Chapter 11 - Weekend Vibes

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They had allowed us to go anywhere we want that weekend, so i had decided to go to Aunt Linda with Luna, Oscar, Finn, Roland, and a little hesitantly Damian. "Come on! I wanted to go to the library!" he said, when i went to his dorm to pull him out. "Oh come on! Even I'm not studying. We're going to my Aunt's house!" and he pulled his jacket over him and took out a bunch of keys. "Seriously?" I asked him. "Well do you want a ride or not?" and he smirked as we both went to where the boys and Luna were waiting. "About time you came out Damian!" said Finn. "Tell me the way. I'm driving."

Honestly, being around these people really lightened my heart. Even though Ro used to always come out in the beginning, she didn't come out much now. I guess she went back to the way she was before my heart broke because of Peter. We walked down to the basement of the school, where there were cars and bikes and stuff. Back at home, the basement was actually the dungeons, where we used to have alchemy class. We got into a yellow colored car. It was pretty roomy, Luna and Oscar sat on either side of me. "Does your Aunt know about it?" Oscar whispered, so that only Luna and I could hear. "About what?" she asked him. "That you're a..."

"She's not my aunt. She is my Professor's human wife." They both looked at me in shock. "Don't look at me as if you haven't heard some other weird stuff!" i whisper-shouted. After giving Damian few directions from the map that Aunt Linda had given me, we reached the house. I waved them all out and knocked on the door. But Aunt Linda didn't open the door. It was Gabriel!

"Professor!!!!" i cried and hugged him so tightly. "Ow you're grip has become stronger since last time Princess!" and he put me down. He looked behind me. "Are these your friends from school?" he asked, opening the door wider. "Yeah, could we come in?" i asked and he welcomed them in. When we were all inside, Aunt Linda came out of the kitchen and hugged me. "Okay guys, this is my Aunt and Uncle. Linda and Gabriel. Aunt, Professor, these are my friends, Luna, Oscar, Damian, Finn and Roland!" and they shook hands. Since Aunt Linda was cooking, we all were just walking around the house. "Hey Rose, is that your professor from your old school?" Luna asked when we both were alone in my room. "Yeah, I just have to prevent Damian from finding out that Professor is actually Gabriel Winston. He has written a book which is in Petrova Library about the wall separating the worlds. By the way, Professor is a werewolf!" I told her and she looked at me with her mouth wide open.

"Your Highness, i want to talk to you." Gabriel said when i was sitting in the backyard. "Did you see what happened to Lopart?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, another member of the royal bloodline down." I sighed. "Poor Mr. Lopart. He was a great person. Seeing all of that, just makes me wonder, who in Vlad's name ever invent this...this stupid Chronograph!" i said, looking down. Gabriel didn't say anything either. "Ummm Professor, i want to ask you something." i said, getting up and facing him. "Did you put me in Petrova's on purpose? Like because I already knew my way around it?" He nodded. "Yes. I knew that you were familiar with the environment there."

"Did you also keep a book there?" I asked. But he didn't speak but just nodded and went inside. "Kids! You can come down to eat now!" I heard Aunt Linda call us. I sat at the familiar table. I was still lost in my own thoughts about the Strikers and Mr. Lopart, until Damian, who sitting opposite to me, slowly prodded my foot with his, breaking me out my eye color changing stare, and thank goodness for that! Other wise, he would have seen my eye color changing. "Sorry, i was in my own world" i said softly, and he smiled at me. That made my stomach fill with butterflies. Not because of hunger, but because of the way he smiled at me. WHAT THE HELL!! WHY DID THAT JUST HAPPEN!! I tried ignoring it, but i couldn't when he was sitting right in front of me. After eating some of the Mac n Cheese that Aunt Linda had made, "I'm done. I'll be in the backyard if you need me!" and I hurried out, taking some of my shooting stars from my room. For about half-an-hour, no one came but Aunt Linda came then with some cookies. "You ate pretty fast today Rosemary!" she said, sitting on one of the chairs. "Yeah, i was hungry, and you know that i don't like eating slowly when i'm hungry, Aunt Linda!"

"Well, i think that you ate so fast, just to get away from the boy who sat in front of you during dinner!" and she gave me a cookie. "That's not true!" i replied indignantly. "Oh Rose, i may have lived with you for just a week, but i can still understand you honey!"

"I can't like him like that Aunt Linda. I... I swore to myself years ago that i wouldn't fall in love again!" i said sadly. "Oh sweetie! That's not possible. Love can never be prevented from you know, happening. It's not something you can just stop doing!" But i cut her off saying that i was sleepy. I could hear her say that 'Sweetie you out of everyone cannot be sleepy at night!'

So i went to my room and looked up at the ceiling. I think she's right. said Ro softly, as night fell, covering the sky in darkness.

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