Twenty-Two: The Pleasure Of Your Company

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The past two weeks had seen them grow closer — had seen Josh march into Emery's office with the freshly-delivered lunch order every day, demanding he set down his phone and take at least half an hour to himself; had been witness to shared dinners, Emery recounting what had happened during his visit with Emma, or how some hospital staff all but crossed themselves when entering her room.

Josh found himself doing things on instinct that two weeks ago would have been inconceivable; just that morning he'd straightened Emery's tie without even thinking about it.

Tonight something felt different between them. Josh couldn't really put his finger on it, but it was in the way Emery had looked at him across the table during dinner, or in the way he'd smile softly or fidget with the cuffs of his tailored shirt. In the way Emery had gone out of his way to invite him to have a "sugary aberration" in his office afterwards, supposedly to discuss Emma's return the next day. In the way Emery always seemed on the verge of saying something else, but didn't.

It felt disappointing, then, to have the conversation stall between them, something Josh couldn't remember happening for months. Josh rose from his chair, mostly empty can in his hand, and didn't see how he could say anything other than "good night".

"Josh." Emery's voice made him turn. "There's something I've been meaning to discuss with you."

Why such seemingly innocuous words made his heart rate speed up, Josh couldn't tell. He didn't sit back down; Emery was also standing. "What is it?"

Emery exhaled. "I've... Lately, there's been... You must understand. My sister's well-being is my number one priority. There is nothing I would do to jeopardize that." He took off his glasses only to put them back on.

What was he saying?

"You've been an integral part of that well-being; the last thing I need is for you to feel compelled to walk away now."

Josh furrowed his brow. "Emery, nothing's compelling me to walk away — what's this about?"

"I consider myself an intelligent man, but I'm... Not the best at reading subtext. Lately there have been..." His eyes zeroed in on Josh, his shoulders squared. "Regardless of what my hopes may be, if anything I have said or done is unwelcome, you need only say so, and I will keep whatever distance you require."


His mouth went dry. He could say something ambiguous, pretend he didn't understand Emery's meaning. It'd be safer. It'd be saner.

But Emery had proved his courage by taking what had to be a tremendously difficult step — if Josh had found himself lacking the courage to make a move on a man who was, by all rights, his current boss, then he could only imagine how much harder the reverse would be to someone with Emery's integrity.

The strength of character — the dignity — that permeated every single one of Emery's actions was one of the things that drew Josh in, like a moth to a flame. And if Emma was right — if Emery looked at him like she'd said — then brushing this off would be the bigger madness.

"Believe me," he said, maintaining eye contact, "absolutely nothing you've said and done so far has been unwelcome."

A warm smile overtook Emery's features; Josh felt himself smiling back, heart beating in his throat. He couldn't remember ever having wanted to kiss someone quite this much.

"I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am to hear that," Emery said, still behind his desk. "I'd like for you to take some time — whatever time you need — to think about this. There's no rush. And then I'd like you to come up with a number that would be acceptable to you. That you'd charge. For the pleasure of your company."

Utterly Forgettable | MM Romance | CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ