Chapter 5: Someone needs to teach Apollo manners

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I let the not-so-godly god step inside and he immediately started analyzing the place, probably wondering why there weren't any statues of him or something like that.

Mom stacked the last pancake on her jenga-like pile and stepped out from behind the counter, giving our guests a tired smile.

Apollo's eyes widened in complete and utter horror. "Sacred Sibyl! Madam, there is something wrong with your midsection!"

I gave him a warning look, though I'm not sure if he saw it, or was just ignoring me.

"Well, I'm seven months pregnant," Mom explained, a proud tone tinting her words as she looked down at her slowly expanding belly.

Apollo looked appalled.

"How can you bear it?" he asked. "My mother, Leto, suffered through a long pregnancy, but only because Hera cursed her. Are you cursed?"

I stepped to Mom's side, standing right in front of him.

"Um, Apollo?" I said, trying my hardest not to offend him, "she's not cursed. And can you not mention Hera?"

"You poor woman." Apollo shook his head, completely ignoring me. "A goddess would never allow herself to be so encumbered. She would give birth as soon as she felt like it."

"That must be nice," Mom said, politely, though I heard the strained tips of her voice. He didn't know.

I coughed. "So, anyway, Mom, this is Apollo and his friend Meg. Guys, this is my mom."

"Call me Sally," Mom replied automatically, scanning Apollo's nose which was bent at an angle that was definitely not natural.

"Dear, that looks painful. What happened?" she asked.

Apollo averted his eyes, seeming to find a certain section of the floor very interesting.

"I'll tell you what," Mom said patting Apollo's shoulder, "Percy can help you get bandaged and cleaned up."

"I can?" I asked, giving the stack of pancakes a mournful look.

Mom looked at me sternly. "There's a first-aid kit in your bathroom, sweetheart. Apollo can take a shower, then wear your extra clothes. You two are about the same size."

"That," I said, "is truly depressing."

Mom cupped her hand under Meg's chin and looked her up and down.

"I have some clothes that might fit you, dear," Mom said. "Pre-pregnancy clothes, of course. Let's get you cleaned up. Then we'll get you something to eat."

"I like food," Meg muttered and I glared. Mom better not give me stack of pancakes away.

Mom laughed. "Well, we have that in common. Percy, you take Apollo. We'll meet you back here in a while."


I left Apollo in the bathroom to clean himself up. He was the god of medicine. He should know how to do stuff. Better than me, at least.

Apollo burst open the door, his nose making a trail of blood as he walked over to where I was sitting. Nose bleeds sucked. I could tell you that first hand.

"Sorry about that," he apologised, though it seemed more like an afterthought than an actual apology.

I spread my hands. "Actually, I was thinking about the last time I had a nosebleed."

"Oh..." Apollo muttered, looking at me thoughtfully. He didn't seem to know.

"What happened to you, man?" I asked, genuinely curious, "The war ended in August. It's January."

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