~Part 4~

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                                              ( (Y/N)'s PoV)

      This was too funny, so you let out a little laugh. Soon enough everyone was laughing, and Blue's confused face (well his nonexistent face that is) only made it funnier! "What? Why is everybody laughing?!?" "*giggle* Blue, you just got pranked! We knew it was you this whole time!" Yellow said, but blue was still confused on who yellow was because he then said"What, then who are you?" "I'm yellow" He said as he started brushing off the paint on him.

                                             ~(Time skip)~

            We were all on the couch except Orange he had to go help alan animate, like the 'PeRfEcT aRtIsT He iS' we were all watching youtube videos, i dont know why but for some reason we were watching fan animations. At some point red started doing poses like the people on the TV then out of no where he said "(Y/N) fight me!"  Me not knowing how to do stuff said "No thanks man, Maybe fight with Blue?" Then blue started freaking out, so I asked what was wrong and he said "I'm not fighting him! Last time he almost broke my arm!!!"

"I mean like, what can i do? It's not my fault alan made you weak!" Red said, Then Blue tackled him and said (well more like screamed) "SAY THAT AGAIN I DARE YOU!!!"  "Alan made you weak!" when red said it again he got punched in the face.

                                    ~(Time skip literally 5 seconds later)~

          Then were in a full out brawl, They didn't notice that while fighting they knocked out both Yellow and Green when they tried breaking them up, and you not knowing what to do, tried to stop them from fighting too (big mistake bro). When they wouldn't listen to you, you decided 'If they won't stop I'll make them stop!' So you went to where they were fighting walked in between both of them to push them away from eachother when they were about to punch eachother, and suprise-suprise you blacked out when they hit you, i guess you could say headshot lol.

(Darn why would they punch that strongly? Well I guess it was also the fact you got puched in the head)

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