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Demetria's P.O.V.:

"HAHAHA! HELL YEAH!" I scream from the top of my lungs.

"Oh God," Fox says, "Your dad is going to kill me."

"What do you mean?" I ask with a wild smile, stopping in front of him.

"Well, for one," he says, "You're flying around the lab like a maniac with an untested jetpack."

"It's technically not untested!" I say, doing flips and such around the lab, in the air. "Because we're currently testing it. So it's technically tested."

"No," he says. "It's technically, death. And I don't think I'm prepared to attend your funeral yet."

"It's not, death," I say, rolling my eyes. "Maybe an invitation to hell would be the proper words. Or perhaps a dip into the river of death. No, wait, that has the word 'death' in it. River Styx?"

"Are you always like this?" he asks, cocking his eyebrow at me as I continue to fly around at full speed.

"Like what?" I ask him.

"Happy-go-lucky?" he answers, uncertain of his words.

"Happy-go-lucky?" I ask him, stopping immediately and staring at the older man. "What makes you think that?"

"I guess you just seem a little looser with your personality compared to your up-tight, brooding dad."

"Not everyone has the time to wallow in their negative feelings," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"You think your dad has the time to do that?"

I look at Fox and tilt my head. "Have you seen that man?" I deadpan. "He wears all black, crawls in the shadows, and holds nothing but anger 97% of the time."

"97? Why that number?"

"Because the other 2.9% is him with a calm personality."

"And that 0.1%?" Fox asks. "What's that?"

"Any other feelings," I answer. "Well, this data is based upon the few months that I've been here. And despite only being here for a few months, spending the time in a coma and with the Kent's, I have acquired a lot." I fly towards the wall and sharply turn up to a 90° angle towards the ceiling and continue to do random tricks in the air. "Or maybe 2% calm and 1% other personalities. Maybe more?"

"Care to share that information?" Fox asks, putting his hands on his hips.

"It's quite confidential and an invasion of privacy," I point out.

"I guess you're right," he comments.

"As if that had ever stopped me," I point out. "Did you know Father has a Batman shirt? It's not really confidential or anything, but it really surprised me. Also! Father has a bunch of pictures of females." I fly up to Fox and float right in front of him. "Do you happen to know anything about it?"

Fox stares at me with wide eyes. "No," he answers quickly. "Not at all."

"Something tells me that you're lying to me," I comment, squinting at him. "But since you're a good friend of Father, I'll let it slide, just this once."

"Where'd you find the pictures?" he asks.

"In a box under his bed," I answer. "Well, a compartment in the floorboards, under his bed," I specify. "There were a few pictures of my mother, but there was also another woman. I think that there were a few more, but I'm not sure."

"Who's your mother anyway?" Fox asks, cocking his eyebrow.

"Me?" I stare at Fox and cock an eyebrow. "I don't know if I could trust you."

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