Everything felt as if it were in slow motion as you leaped from the burning Atlas ship. Making your descent you land on the back of a passing Griffon, wrapping the segments of your staff around the neck of the grimm you forced it to fly towards Neo. The flying Grimm tried nip and bite at her while she made her descent but she managed to kick them away. Once you were close enough you called out for Neo to let go, she looked as if you were insane but decided to trust you. She fell and you caught her by a hairs breath, which she didn't take kindly to, she punched at you in frustration.You: Idiot don't squirm so much I don't really know how to fly this thing!
Against your protest Neo continued her fussing, unable to support the two of you any longer the Griffon starts spiraling to the ground. At the last moment before we crashed to the ground you grabbed Neo and curled yourself protectively around her as you jumped, you hit the ground hard.
You: (heavy breathing) Why do I keep putting myself in these situations? (Sighs) You ok Neo?
Neo sat up straddling you and brushing the dirt from her hair before she looked up frantically for the ship that you all were on, seeing the flaming remains crash down in the distance, tears started to run down her face.
You: Neo.... I'm-
Reaching out your hand to her you couldn't find the words, you didn't know the full story behind the relationship between her and Roman but As you took a step closer she whirls on you with tears in her eyes, she tried signing but her hands shook too much for you to understand.
Ruby: Y/n are you alright?
From behind you Ruby came running up to you, by the look of if she made it off the ship without any injuries, which took a load off your mind. When you turned back to look at Neo you found that she was gone, you frowned feeling a tinge of guilt but the crisis at hand still wasn't over.
Ruby: Y/n?
You: Hey Ruby, I'm glad your ok.
Ruby: Yeah me too but this still isn't over yet, we should meet up with the others at the docks.
You: Yeah that sounds like a good idea, you go on ahead there's something I need to take care of first.
Ruby: Wait but where are you going.
After separating from Ruby you hurried back to the school as fast as you could, your landing fortunately wasn't too far.
You: Jaune? Where's Pyrrha?
Jaune's stiffened, he starts to explain the situation to you, your expression darkened at hearing that Cinder not only killed the fall maiden but now she had all her power. Even if you were at a 100% you probably still wouldn't stand a chance.
Jaune: Please Y/n! You have to do something you always have some kind of plan in situations like these.
You: Jaune...
He gripped your shoulders tightly, feeling Something strange suddenly happened, you started to feel all your energy come back, it was as if your aura was being amplified. Looking down at Jaune's hands that gripped your shoulders they were glowing with a bright aura, however Jaune himself doesn't seem to realize it.
Jaune: *wimpers* Please... I'm too weak to help her but maybe the two of you together could stop her.
The bright aura that was emitting from him a moment ago suddenly stops as he collapsed to his knees. In his frustration Jaune punches the ground and curses his own weakness
Jaune: Why am I so useless!?
You rested a reassuring hand on Jaune's shoulder.
You: Don't sell yourself short Jaune, you might be lacking a bit now but you have a lot of potential, Pyrrha definitely knows it and now I do too.
Jaune's face still showed sadness but he nodded thoughtfully at your words, you nod back and turned away before making your way towards Beacon tower.
Titania: That boy... he's quite interesting. Then again the same could be said of all the people you surround yourself with.
You: Of course they are my friends after all, that includes you too despite being a disembodied voice and all.
Titania: *amused* I see... I can sense magic coming from the top of the tower, but how will you get up there?
The ground suddenly starts to shake followed by a loud screech, the giant Wyvern Grimm was flying just above, its sights set on Beacon tower.
You: *smirks* I think I found our ride.
Evacuation Docks
At the docks Professors Port and Oobleck are ushering groups of students into the airbus. One by one they enter into the ship as both men yell out orders.
Port: That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!
Oobleck: A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!
Weiss stares at what is in front of her, in disbelief. As Ruby comes running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to her leader's presence, and Weiss turns around to greet her.
Weiss: Ruby!
Ruby: Oh, I found you!
Weiss: Ruby, where have you-
Ruby: Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?
Unsure of what to say, Weiss lowers her gaze sadly.
Ruby: Weiss? What is it?
Weiss steps aside, giving Ruby a clear view of Blake and Yang lying on the ground missing her right arm. Both girls have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them sit Nora, Ren, and the rest of Y/n's team except Ty who are too battered and bruised to fight, Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.
Blake: I'm sorry. *tears in her eyes*
Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to say.
Blake: *Curls up, closing her eyes* I'm so sorry.
Ruby: Yang...