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My beloved,

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My beloved,

I've decided that we should have the wedding ceremony in our home, I feel as though it is the safest option. We can clear out the study. Perhaps a celebratory feast in the dining room. I know it's not much, but it's an idea. We can make up for it once this war pushes through and delt with once and for all. I understand how stressful it can be, but I want what's best for us. We must oversee it for our own happiness— this won't be an enduring battle forever, we will reach an end. Harry deserves a real family for once; let us be it.

I wish you wellness until the next letter and hope you write soon enough.

Love, Sirius

Eleanor stared down at the parchment during breakfast. Her gaze flicked upon her nephew sitting at the table. He seemed to be reading a letter which had most likely had been from Sirius as well.

She felt that the letter had come off a bit rude, as if she wasn't doing a good enough job at raising Harry on her own— perhaps she was overthinking it.

The parchment was folded away.

"Dear," Whipered McGonagall who appeared from behind Eleanor's chair. "Meeting in the staff room after third class."

Eleanor nodded slightly.

Her head turned to Severus who sat a few chairs away. He seemed to have been doing the same gesture as they locked eyes and shared a perplexed tilt of the brow.

Severus shrugged, appearing to have no clue either.

Her lips pursed as she looked down the other side of the high table only to now realize that Dumbledore was no longer seated, but Umbridge had taken his spot.

"What?!" Eleanor exclaimed under her breath, "How?!"

McGonagall stood in front of the staff room overlooking the sight of professors who shared the same reaction as Eleanor.

Dumbledore had been sacked.

"I'm not quite sure," Mcgonagall spoke softly incase Dolores happened to walk by the closed off room. "But I do know that the ministry has a lot against him for conspiring against them. Supposably, he was involved with a sort of club going around, which violated decoration decree twenty four." Mcgonagall sighed deeply to herself as Eleanor frowned in realization of what she might be talking about. "Now Dolores is held to be headmistress."

"What do we do?" Professor Sprout questioned

A scoff came from Madam Hooch, "There's nothing we can do."

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