Chapter3: Little girl wanna be on the boys' squad

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Nearly breaking the girls' changing room's door that was close to the field out of nervous at 11:45.
I quickly got dressed in my old soccer team shirt from high school that had a hamlet in the centre of a olive crown while the name Athena Soccer Girls was printed on a black and gold T-shirt.

Under the picture of the goddess of wisdom and war wearing her hamlet with a soccer ball that she was placing her foot down on.

Having a Nike black short and shores while carrying my black and white cleats which might look like they were falling apart most of the time. They were still in good shape for a day of running up and down field, kicking a ball around.

By the time I was walking to the field, it was already 11:56 and there were already about forty five boys on the field. Standing around, talking to each other.
With each step I took, I felt like I would lose my stomach by the sight of them. They were bigger, stronger and looked like most guys whom I would have seen on my old high school's soccer boys' team.
Never have I felt so intimidated by them before until now.

Taking a deep breath, closing my eyes while holding my Mother's necklace in between my fingers. Remembering what she would always tell me and my siblings whenever we were afraid, 'Lions do not panic and run, they are strong and brave, they will never forget who they are and neither should you.'

Once my heart started feeling calmer and my confidence standing strong, I took a deep breath before walking again towards the bench.
Placing my bag on the bench close by before putting on my cleats, I had a feeling that there were eyes burning my skin and head off with their stares.

I played no attraction to them or their glancing. My eyes stayed down on my shoes, tying my laces double and acting as if I don't notices nearly any of guys watching me. "You came."

I don't know how, but the second I heard him speak, I knew who was talking to me. The boys' soccer team's captain David William McLellan.
He was standing at the end of the benches, staring down at me with his nearly bright green eyes.

He was wearing his team shirt that was black and gold with black Nike shorts and had on a pair of black and yellow cleats that looked like they came fresh out of the box, "You were serious about being on the team, huh?"

"You sound surprised." I said while tying my ponytail tighter before putting my other shores inside my bag. Sitting up straight as I said, "You thought that my 'pretty little speech' to Coach Richard was for show?"

David shrugged his shoulders with a smirk, "A little bit, most girls would just want to watch some action from their favourite eye-candy which is mostly between me and Ryan, but many of times, it's for me.
While others would want to be on the team, because they want a player to play a private game with them."

I scoffed at the thought of joining a boys' team join to get laid, "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm here to play real soccer, not the player's game."

I mean seriously, this knuckle head had the damn nerve to think that I was one of those loose cannons who can't control themselves or their sexual urges. Besides, not all girls are interested in sports, because of the players who they find talented and attractive.
Many of them are interested in sports, because they personally enjoys it and are passionate whenever they play a game.

I got up from my seat, walking onto the field, feeling David's eyes on my back until I scarily felt him close to me, "A little girl wanna be on the boys' squad? Guess there's a first for everything."

I really don't know if I should feel afforded by David's words or take them as a compliment? All I know is that I want to be on the team.
I would playing for myself and for KAU, that's the only reason why I was standing on this field today.

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