Evil Isabella Is back

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Phineas and ferb and Buferd and balljett all go looking for the real Isabella. But unfortunately they keep getting got by evil Isabella . She will not let them leave her side . She try's to get phiness to like her by telling him she will help him find the real Isabella but Phineas doesn't fall for her tricks .evil  Isabella is not to happy about them searching for the real Isabella. She even push's ferb to make her point she doesn't want them to go find the real Isabella.   She tells Phineas she loves him and  she can't die . She tells him she a part of the real Isabella . They don't believe that Isabella is a part of the evil one .  Phineas doesn't love evil Isabella. He hates her . He says this to her  and evil Isabella gets angry and starts to changes him and his friends.They run away from her and escape .  The boys  think evil Isabella is gone when they find  the real one  they go home and Phineas has nightmares that  evil Isabella is still looking for him .He wakes up to see evil Isabella . She is staring at him .  He screams.  Ferb hears  him and asks what's wrong and He tells him ferb looks in the direction phiness pointing in and Sees evil Isabella looking at them .  Ferb thinks  he having a bad dream and tells Phineas to go back to bed . They go to bed but Isabella writes on the boys bathroom mirror in her blood . She writes you can't get rid off me that easy Phineas . You are mine .  I will kill you if your not on my side by Tom .  There is bloody knife on the ground of bathroom. Isabella leaves it  there so Phineas sees the warning .  She smiles and  disappears from the bathroom . Watching to see what the boys do next.  She seats at widow waiting for them to wake up and see her there .  The end?

Isabella is evilWhere stories live. Discover now