Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV

With a sigh, I ran my hand through my hair as I picked up the white envelope with my notice.

I haven't been able to pay the rent for my apartment this month, so I have one week to settle it but with no job, comes no money so I haven't paid until now only because I don't have the funds needed.

Could this get any worse.

With a groan, I trudged my way to my bedroom and threw myself on my bed. I have no job and soon I'm going to be homeless, how did I get to where I am now.

I know, my parents disowned me, their only daughter.

A burning sensation settled into my eyes as my vision grew blurry with tears, which I had no strength to wipe away, so I let the first tear drop fall and before I knew it, a river had started flowing, as I silently cried.

I have no one, no close friends but my old colleagues. I worked at this cute little restaurant, it didn't pay quite well, barely a bit over minimum wage but it paid the expenses. The restaurant started suffering a couple of months back, but Ariella, the owner tried to keep her baby running until she couldn't anymore. Half of the staff, including me got retrenched that day and I haven't been able to find a job since.

Straightening up, I sat down on my butt and leaned my back on the wall before curling myself as small as I could and wrapping my arms around my knees to sleep on them, just letting the tears flow, the only way to let out this deep ache in my chest.

Reaching for my small, cracked phone I switched it on and checked for any possible messages or emails, but there was nothing. That just made me sob even harder as the last remains of hope died in me.

I think I sat in that position for about 10 more minutes, just crying my eyes out until there was nothing more to cry as I all but brutally heaved with broken sobs. Eventually, all that could be heard were my hiccups. My eyelids were heavy and tired from the crying, regardless of the fact that I had just woken up less than an hour ago.

As much as all I wanted to do was sit down and do nothing, I had to start packing up my things before they kicked me out. I already knew from a past experience that the notice will probably say I have to vacate the premises within 48 hours if I'm lucky.

Gathering the last reminisce of strength I had, I weakly straightening up and wiped some of my excess tears with the back of my hand before pulling the envelope from where it lay on the bed. I carelessly threw my feet off the middle, letting the cold tiles greet my bare feet, which I tried to ignore as I made my way to my soon to be former, small kitchen. I opened the cutlery drawer and pulled out a teaspoon. Using the back, I sliced open the intimidating envelope.

With a shaky sigh, due to crying, I took the letter out of the envelope and placed it on the envelope before opening it and reading what was stated. Luckily for me, I had 48 hours to vacate the property, so I had enough time to pack the little I had.

I put the letter back into the envelope before neatly putting it on my small drawer and walking to my bedroom to start packing there.


With a groan, I threw myself on my uncovered mattress, letting my tired mind wonder.

All the furniture came with the apartment, so all I had to pack was my cutlery, kettle, plates, cups, sheets, toiletries and blankets and even those were few.

I have no doubt the exhaustion was apparent on my features, even my eyes are starting to give up on me. With no ounce of warning, my stomach started to complain by grumbling, making me groan as I jumped off my bed and made my way to my little bathroom and took a quick shower before applying some lotion and wrapping a towel around my body.

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