16. xen's bday bash

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"Okay, okay, the cake's in the fridge, right? Jude, can you please bring it upstairs? And Faiza, can you—"

Rolling his eyes, Jude placed both his hands on Milo's shoulders, causing him to stop talking, as he stared up at Jude, wide-eyed and frantic. All Jude said was, "Milo. Chill. Take a breath."

Milo shook his head, eyes scanning the bedroom. The giant streamers hanging from the fan after Milo had thrown them up were flying around aimlessly, and to be honest, Milo was surprised that they hadn't fallen into the bowl of chips sitting on the bed. There was a poor attempt of Milo trying to write the word 'surprise' on separate pieces of paper, but he'd ended up misspelling it and running out of paper, so now there was a giant sign on his wall saying SUPRISE! written on different sheets of pastel colours.

Honestly, Xen didn't strike him as a pastel guy. But Milo preferred pastels, so he just went with it and hoped for the best.

"He's gonna be here any second," Milo explained, swatting Ray's hand away when he took a single streamer off Milo's head. "And we haven't even taken the cake out of the fridge yet!"

Faiza sighed, stopping her conversation with Evangeline to take Milo's face in between her fingers, squishing his cheeks together. "Listen to me, and listen carefully, okay?" Once Milo nodded, she smiled a self-satisfied smile and continued. "Good. I'll get the cake from the fridge since Jude is incompetent. And Jude will make sure Ray doesn't knock the bowl of chips over. Though I'm not entirely sure if leaving Jude in charge of Ray is a good idea. But it's fine. Okay? So, stop talking for a second, and sit down. Here, talk to Evangeline."

Patting the seat on the bed next to her, Evangeline shot Milo a toothy grin, septum piercing glinting in the sunlight. "I wanna tell you about the dude in my violin class, he's hot as fuck. Come, come."

So, as Evangeline began to gush about how attractive the guy's fingers were, and how pretty and long his hair was, Milo zoned out, thinking about the conversation he'd had with Xen in the morning, the one that involved him sneakily trying to get him to come over.

Milo🐁🖕🏼 -
xen !! happy birthdya :,) hope u have a good ass dsy!!!

Milo🐁🖕🏼 -
also can u come over 2day😞 @ like 2pm idk any time rly.. i need ur help w the fuckin assignment shit idk wtff im doinggg D: (u can just come in, my door will be unlocked!!)

xen🐀 -
Thanks, Milo :) And yeah, sure.

All in all, it seemed like Xen wasn't suspicious of anything, if his fucking monosyllabic answers were anything to go by.

"Jude!" Ray cried out, wiggling out of his grasp, and successfully snapping Milo out of his thoughts. "Harrassment at its finest!"

"Bitch, you wanted to put your head on my lap," Jude pointed out, patting Ray's face. "Your hair's so fuckin' soft. Yours and Eva's hair. Mm, so soft."

Evangeline stopped her conversation with Milo for a second, glancing at Jude. "Too bad I can't stop pulling it out," she joked.

"Trich?" Ray questioned, humming when she nodded. "One of my brothers has trich, my parents really got four kids, all with different mental illnesses. Love that for us."

Faiza walked into the room with the cake in hand, interrupting the conversation that was taking place. "Okay, I'm leaving the cake here. If any of you knock it over, I'll knock you over. Now, all we have to do is wait for Xen, okay?"

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