A New Beginning

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 I know what I did was wrong but I don't want to loose my child, my precious little fury I know she probably thinks me a heartless mother, but I have my reasons just as every other person has their reasons to keep secrets. Those reasons will go with me to my grave if I have to protect my son and daughter. As the night progressed I began to get really restless I just had a horrible feeling something terrible is going to happen. I really wanted to see my daughter but I knew she is angry at me for not telling her the truth. As, I said before I have my reasons and one of them is to protect her from what is to happen in the future. All the people know in the world only the Gods control our lives, but one with the blood of a divinity can change their fate and destiny. I shook that thought out of my head and getting out of bed to try to see what time it was.

        I saw it was dawn and decided instead of worrying I will have Alexander ease Olivia's anger. As I began to put on my dress wrapping the necessary wraps in place and putting any important jewelry on me. As I put on my last piece of jewelry I realized I lost my only daughter. Trying very hard not to cry I very slowly exited my room thinking what would have happened if I told her. Pushing that thought aside I heard running coming towards me and immediately looked up to see that it was Alexander and knew something was wrong. 

        Alexander slowed down to halt in front of me he said in between fast breathes, "Mother I think you should read this," I could see that there were tears glittering in his eyes. For what reason I had yet to find out maybe this letter would tell me... I gently took the letter as if it was the cause of something unknown was about to happen...

Dear Mother,
I know if you are reading this you are probably thinking that you are a monster. Wellstop thinking that you did for reasons unknown to me and probably Alexander too.  I just wanted to let you know I have left to find my own way in the world without any troubles of the family or royalty. Also, the fact that I understand from a mother's perspective I would have probably done the same actions you did to keep I and Alexander out of harm and trouble. Knowing you will probably send out a search party for me wanting to bring me home kicking and screaming no matter what. But, I ask of you to grant me this one shred of freedom for me and allow me to be on my own until I am eighteen years old. That is four years for me to have freedom to travel the world and find peace with myself and what the Gods have planned for me. I just please ask of you to tell Alexander for me that this is not his fault. Knowing him he will blame himself and lock himself in his room for who know's how long and his Professor, Aristotle, won't take too lightly to him faltering behind in his studies. So please support him for me please. I know this is selfish of me to do this but we all do selfish actions in the end leading up to what help us on the right path. So grant me this one small request and I will forever be happy. Thank you.
Princess Olivia of Macedonia

        I very slowly began to sob realizing my daughter was really gone and I didn't notice anything about her "father" in there. I knew that if I tried to bring her back home she would hate me forever and ever. But, if I granted her this one small wish she would be happy, but I would have to deal with the King. "Mother what are we going to do about Olivia? She can't leave us she just can't!" he broke down crying. I made my final decision and decided that it was time to let her spread her wings and let her know the truth about the past, present, and future. "Alexander, I think it is time for your sister to have a new beginning in life. It is a new chapter in her life that nobody of us could have foresaw not even the great oracle Delphi can see everything in life that is going to happen. So it is time for her to spread her wings and fly my son," I explained with tears streaming down my face.


Dear Readers, 

As I was looking back at the book I noticed a mistake on Olivia's age I said in some chapters she was 13 years old, and some she was 14 years old. Well I decided to make her 14 years old. Please comment what you think so far! :)


Kellie Huntington

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