Chapter 2: Bad Luck

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When It woke up in 1558, It was laying in a cave it had used previously as its home. It had originally stalked a camp for food, but he soon realized that there were hardly any mortals. Just a group of five. It ate around two mortals a week. That would be a total of 96 mortals that It would eat per year.

Maybe it was a good thing that he went to sleep for so long. If not, he probably would've already eaten half of the planet's population.

When It realized that the camp wouldn't be enough, he let the group of mortals live. It could've killed them for fun, but he didn't have time for fun. It was hungry, and he wanted something to eat. Maybe he would go for a big mortal. It usually went for the small ones first. The small ones sustained his hunger for a while but not as long as the taller mortals do.

When It had traveled a few miles, he came upon a river. If there was a river, it most likely led to a town or village. Maybe even a city. It was always fond of cities, though he never went to one, he knew that thousands of mortals lived there. It was too crowded for him. He'd probably be spotted in an instant. If It tried to lure someone away, someone would definitely see or follow him.

It decided to follow the river west, maybe he'll be lucky this time. It groaned as he remembered the last time he followed a river.

It had shape shifted into a fisherman he had killed, since he couldn't walk around looking the way he did in broad daylight. It had picked to follow the river east since that was where the stream was heading, but when It followed the river through a forest, he had stepped in a trap that hung him in midair and right after that, three of the tall mortals came towards him from the bushes.

It had guessed that they were the mortals who had set up the trap. "What do you think you're doing in our woods?" One of them had asked. When It didn't answer them, one of the mortals put what he guessed was a knife of some sort against his throat. Sometimes mortals had threatened him before with knifes when he was seconds away from killing them.

Even if they did cut him, he still ended up killing them easily. When It shape shifted into a mortal, he could feel things. When It felt the knife cut a deep gash in his arm, it was a new sort of feeling. It never had to deal with pain before. It knew the wound wouldn't kill him, but it did hurt like a bitch. It only took a few minutes for the gash to heal.

It laughed at the threat, knowing that he wasn't in any real danger. "What's so funny?" One of them asked. "Oh, nothing's funny. It's just very cute that you're threatening me with your tiny, little sticks" It grinned and swinged forward to spit on one of the men's shoes. "You little shit! I'm going to cut you up into 1000 pieces!" The hunter yelled at him. When It felt the knife on his neck press down onto his skin, his once human hand, had grown claws and he slashed at the hunter with the knife, slicing their stomach open.

The hunter fell back and let out a choked gasp. The other two hunters came towards him and It grabbed the other one by their hand and twisted it in a painful way. While he did that, the other hunter was able to successfully cut a deep gash into his own chest. It hissed and thrusted his claws into the hunter's neck, killing him instantly. The last hunter was laying on the ground, their arm twisted painfully. Its arms extended, and it cut the rope that hung him in the air and lands on his feet.

The hunter started scooting away from It. It laughed and grabbed the man's legs, dragging the last remaining hunter towards him. "I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll give you whatever you want, just please don't hurt me" The mortal begged.

It smirked and opened his mouth, showing the rows of teeth that lay there. The hunter cried out as It chomped down on the hunter's leg, tearing it off and watching the blood pool around it. The hunter stared in horror as he watched It devour his leg. When It looked back at the hunter, It danced his claws on the hunters chest and slowly sunk his claws one at a time into the hunter's chest until the hunter stopped breathing. It hated wasting mortals like this, but he just had his meal, so he decided to leave the bodies where they were.

It followed the river west until he came upon a town. No... It looked big enough to be a city. It stared at the somewhat tall buildings, before he decided that he would stay. It had never dared to wonder into a city before, but it was worth a shot.

It shifted into a human it had killed long ago. A man with slick brown hair and blue eyes. His form was young, and he would have to work on the voice a bit, and he'll have to find somewhere to stay as well.

As It crossed a bridge across the river and entered the city, he quickly regretted coming into the city. There were decorations everywhere, and the streets were filled with mortals.

How could It forget so easily? It usually went to sleep at the end of the year and woke back up on the same day he had went to sleep. It forgot that he went to sleep 4 days before what the mortals called Christmas.

It groaned and continued walking deeper into the city. This was going to be somewhat... interesting.


Sorry for such a short chapter. Hopefully the next one makes up for it!
Words in italics are flashbacks

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