Chapter Three

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~ Mae ~

I relax. "Codi is okay!" I yell, getting up.

I walk to Claire as Aj yells. "SHE'S ALIVE! GUYS, SHE'S OKAY!"

"Thank god," I say.

"Guys, You may want to see this..." Jason says, sounding worried.

We both walk towards them. There lies another dead body, the one of the girl Cody was carrying. So she was alive this whole time?

We crowd around her, and then she turns to ash. Jason stares, and then they run back to Cody and Claire.

"J, they are breathing, it's okay," I say, but they are too far away to hear me.

Does Aj seem to be looking up at a ghost? It's the same girl, but she looks like a ghost. I stare at them. They look as confused as I am.

"Uh, Hey," I say, smiling.

"Who are you?! and why are you here?!" She looks scared.

Of course, Aj gets all defensive. "I was going to ask you the same."

"I- I don't know. I was talking to The guy who-" The girl points to Cody, and then her mouth stops moving.

"Yeah..." I whisper, "He isn't doing great."


Two took us back to a safe house made for us. We are supposed to save the world. So that's fun.

It's been a few weeks. We've all been training and getting stronger. And as for Cody and Claire, They haven't woken up yet.

I decided to check up on them once again. I find Aj exiting Claire's room.

They look at me, "hey!"


"How's training going?" They ask, trying to make a conversation. It's been a while since we last talked.

"It's alright. Hella tiring tho," I respond, "And yours?"

"Same honestly, This is stupid. We are supposed to trust a gosht?"

"I know! It's like, how stupid you think we are? As soon as Cody and Claire get better, I'm out."

"Yeah, Take me with you."

"Imagine me not dragging you along everywhere."

They laugh. "So where to?"

"Just checking up on Cody," I say,

"Oh, of course, Can I come with?"

"Yeah, of course!"

We walk to Cody's room, discussing everything we've learned from this place. There are carvings and portraits in the basement. It's scary. Two said it was the future, but I don't know.

Aj opens the door, and Cody seems to be up and looks well. I run over to him and hug him. "DUDE WE WERE SO WORRIED!"

"Good to know You're okay," Aj says, as I let go of him.

"Yeah, You guys shouldn't have been. I'm alright."

I get off his bed and walk to the door. "Cody, your imaginary friend wants to talk to you."

Two flies in and glares at me. "Hi.." She says,

"Please tell me you guys see that too," Cody says, sounding freaked.

"Oh we do," Aj responds,

"And it's freaky as hell." I finish.

"Guys, are you two being friendly to Cody's imaginary friends again?" Claire says, smiling. We all run over to hug her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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