Chapter 36

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Zayn's POV.

What the hell is wrong with Aurora?
How could she slap Zira?
Zira ran away crying.
My life was already a mess and she is making it even worse.
I ran after Zira and asked her what happened.

Zira told that, Aurora said that she wanted to talk to Zira. Aurora then warned Zira not to talk or be with me.
When Zira spoke against her, she slapped her.
I know she loves me. But I never expected her to be this cheap.
How can she be so cruel?

I wonder whether she was the same girl whom I fell in love with.

"What if Zira's lying?" my mind questioned.

"Why would she? She knows me for years and also knows that I completely detest liars." I answered back.

I need to solve this. I need to talk to her.

Ryan's POV.

"You love Aurora, don't you?" asked Kate.

My breath hitched.
What the hell? I stood dumbstruck.
Was I that obvious?
How did she even find out?

"Wh -what?"I asked.

Fuck! I stuttered.
Why in the world I should stutter now?
I am such a moron!
She'll probably find out the truth.

Someone, take my life please!

"You love Aurora right?"she asked again.

Jesus, help me.

Why is this girl asking the same damn questions?

"Cause you never answered her ,dumbass" rebuked my mind.

"No! I mean why would I?" I asked, a bit panicked.

She chuckled a bit and said, "You are terrible at lying.We'll talk about this later," she finished as she left like nothing happened, when in fact she literally gave me a heart attack.

What the hell just happened now?
Was she a detective or something? Or was I that obvious?

What does she mean by we'll talk about this AGAIN?!!

I mean, AGAIN!??!

No, even if she asks me one more time, I'd spill out the truth.
Afterall, keeping everything to ourselves isn't easy, is it?
I am a human too. I need a hand to wipe my tears.
I can't tell this to Zayn, cause he'll be hurt if I do.
I should keep it to myself and find a way to get them back together. No matter what, I'd give Zayn's happiness back to him.

Kate's POV.

I saw Aurora storming out of the cafe, ferociously.
Wtf just happened?
Bloody hell!

Zira was storming out with tears.

I just left her alone for a few minutes and there were such chaos!

Jesus Christ!

I rushed towards her and held her back by holding her arm.

I then asked her, "Aurora, wait! What's wrong?"

"It's that bitch, Zira." she said, clearly agitated.

"What did she do?"I asked.

She then told me the whole story of how that bitch spoke and how my babe slapped the shit outta her.Thinking that my crazy doe slapped Zira, I was on cloud nine. I'm proud of my baby! But still how dare she call my bae a bitch?I'm gonna chop her tongue into pieces and feed them to rats. Bitch!

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