how to be a heartbreaker

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first, fall madly in love
become a bond so strong
that the earth and moon will envy
how you pull each other
in a dance of eternal waltz
make him fall in love so deeply
that he'd think there are no such thing as endings

second, make love
make love like all the animals
burn him with your love
be the only thing that fills him
his mind, his heart, his body
let him feel every emotion
the human heart can ever feel
satiate his hunger
way beyond what the belly can

third, hurt and heal
lash him with what he thinks is love
bruise his every part of body
til all his browns become purples
let him bleed
til all his wounds tire of clotting
then heal everything
patch an ocean deep wound
with your shallow sorry
he is so madly into you anyway

fourth, pretend
be stuck in a loop
of stories and make-believes
make him believe fairies and pixie dust
how'd you make your own neverland
and when he snaps out of his delusions
tell the story again
repeat, repeat, repeat

finally, break his heart
when you've finally found
what you call true love
in someone else's body
when you have grown weary
of those neverland stories, the lashing
the love-making, the dancing
leave him
start a love anew
though pretend you're hurting
pretend you're sorry
pretend you're mourning
for there is no remorse
on being a heartbreaker

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