4: Abort Mission

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No, he doesn't want to have Jaebeom's baby.

So then why is he driving away from the clinic crying after a failed attempt to even go inside? It was decided, he set the appointment, he showed up and then... didn't get out of the car. He called the doctor—recommended by his doctor and cried to him, apologized and the doctor told him it was okay, asked if he was driving and told him to pull over.

He didn't listen, instead driving to Mark's house. His doctor said it was better not to be alone right now anyway and he wouldn't find any comfort in his parents.

He couldn't go through with it. The baby didn't do anything to him. It was Jaebeom.

Mark lives in his family's pool house, which is around back, ever since he started high school. So he sidesteps the front door, going around to the side gate and taking the key from its hiding place. The house is around the pool, back in the trees of the property. It's the size of any regular house, but only a quarter the size of Mark's parent's house, the same sandy color.

When Mark opens it, he looks good, in skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. He's paler than Jackson remembers somehow, as if holing up in doors has only affected his color this week. He's holding his car keys in one hand, so maybe he was just going out. But he doesn't say anything about it, tugging Jackson into the house and onto the couch, letting him cry into his chest.

He doesn't immediately bug him, giving Jackson time to calm down as he carts his hand lovingly through his hair. Even though Jackson has been avoiding him, he's so nice, so kind.

"Jackson...." Mark says after Jackson has calmed down. "What's going on?" He looks as worried as he sounds and Jackson can't blame him, first he's throwing up like clockwork every morning, avoiding him after a doctor's appointment, showing up here crying his eyes out.

Jackson takes a big shaky breath, nerves aflame, before laughing out: "I'm pregnant"

Mark's hand freezes in his hair for only a second before he's recovered. "Well, that's... that's something"

He should've told Mark the second he found out; they could've talked about it. "And you'll never guess who the other father is"

"Please don't make me..." But he looks like he's actually thinking so Jackson doesn't blurt it out. "Namjoon? No? What about Jiho? No that's stupid..." Exclusively guys from the team. Interesting. He puffs out his too pink bottom lip in a pout before grimacing, looking at Jackson with serious concern. "It's not Jinyoung, is it?"

Jackson can't help but laugh at his expression. "What? Can't stomach the thought?"

"He's such an asshole"

"He's not that bad... and no, it's not him"

"I'm glad, but also I'm out of ideas. He's not old, right? Married?"

"Jesus Mark," Jackson rolls his eyes. If that's what his friend thinks of him, maybe the reality won't seem as bad. "It's Jaebeom..."

Mark tips his head to the side, squinting, clearly trying to decide if he's joking or not. Apparently deciding he's not. "When? How?"

"Lisa's party..."

"Oh my god..." Mark almost laughs, but chokes it down, covering his mouth for a second to compose himself. "you're getting an abortion, right?"

Jackson shakes his head and Mark groans.

"You've got to be kidding"

"It's just a baby, just a little guy, what did he ever do?"

Mark looks at him quizzically. "Boy?"

"I mean...it would have to be right?"

"How would I know?" Mark sighs, rubbing his eyes. Of course, Mark's parents are both guys, and they had a boy so the evidence for Jackson's theory is strong. "Okay, so if you aren't going to have an abortion—which for the record I think is a mistake—what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, but I can't do that, I tried, I went but I couldn't even get out of the car and then I was crying and I came over here" He's tearing up again thinking about it, and Mark takes his hand, laying back on the couch with a sigh. Jackson remains at his feet, legs crossed, clutching his hand.

"Well... I support you man, when your parents kick you out, you're welcome to live here"

"Your parents won't mind?" Jackson asks, like an idiot.

"Like they'd even notice"

He looks around the living room then, nodding. No, they would probably never notice, especially if Jackson confined his movements to the pool house. Mark's parents never seem to use it; they might not even know Mark still lives with them.

Of course, his parents probably won't kick him out, that would look bad, maybe worse than Jackson being pregnant, and their image comes first.

He can already hear his mother screaming, his father... oh man, he can't even imagine it. It could go one of two ways, he might scream until he permanently lost his voice, or go silent anyways never speaking to Jackson again. They don't have much of a relationship. His dad being gone all the time doesn't help and they barely talk. Just the usual dinner talk "how is fencing? Soccer? Basketball? Grades?" Jackson has worked hard to always have a fall back, just to get his dad to ask.

Mark is typing away on his phone, expertly with one hand while he still holds Jackson's. He kicked off his shoes when he pulled Jackson inside and he's buried his toes under Jackson's thigh, he's probably cold.

"Were you going out?"

"Yeah but I cancelled"

"I'm sorry, I should've—"

"Don't be sorry, I didn't want to go out anyways, you saved me: Sorry my friend just found out he's pregnant, can't come over. There is no better excuse"

Jackson snorts, already feeling better. Even faced with a crisis, Mark is usually calm, especially if it's someone else's crisis.

"Who were you going out with?"

"You don't know him." He turns his phone anyway to show him a picture. He's attractive, at least, kind of burly though, obviously older than they are. "He has a motorcycle"

"Cool" Jackson says and Mark hums. It is cool, and inappropriate and he's probably the worst person Jackson would ever have the displeasure of knowing. But he still didn't make Mark's parents notice him.

They stay curled up on the couch, talking mindlessly for an hour until before Jackson drops his phone and it slips between the couch cushions. He reaches for it and his fingers curl around something that is not his phone. He pulls it out to discover it's a bottle of lube.

"What the fuck is this?"

Mark rolls his eyes. "It has a label"

"Why do you have this between your couch cushions?"

"Why do you think? Just put it back" Jackson does as he's told, shaking his head at Mark.

He just shrugs, unconcerned by Jackson's judgement. He shouldn't be surprised. Mark does basically live here alone, so he can keep it wherever he wants. But still...

"Want pizza?" Mark asks suddenly, already dialing the number for their favorite shop. "We can have it delivered and watch some movies"

"Sounds perfect" Jackson goes over to the shelves of movies Mark has and goes to pick one, most of them are horror movies Jackson won't watch sober, the other half are action movies. He pulls out a movie they used to watch all the time as kids and puts it in.

"Okay," Mark says as soon as he's off the phone and sitting on the couch. Jackson looks back at him and knows he in trouble. Mark has changed into his sweatpants, throwing a big fuzzy blanket over himself while holding the neck of a beer bottle in his hands, familiar grin on his face. "how exactly did you, my straight little friend, end up underneath Lim Jaebeom?"

"Well..." If anyone was going to understand, it was Mark, for sure, but still he felt awkward about it, his cheeks burning. "As long as you don't repeat any of it, ever"

Mark nods and Jackson tells him the story of how he had the best sex of his young life, with the one person in school he wasn't friends with.

Here is a small Christmas update. It has nothing to do with Christmas but, well...
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you can have a good, safe holiday, whatever you celebrate ❤️💚❤️💚❤️

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