10th Doctor X Reader: Periods Through Time

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You moaned into the pillow on the sofa, the library's moderate silence too quiet for you as you curled up into a tight ball. The pain in your stomach fluctuated madly, and sometimes it would feel like it would tear you apart before leaving you with barely any pain at all.
But then it would come back, as usual, and make you curl up tighter.

"Stupid girl things." You muttered into the sofas pillow, increasingly becoming the brunt of your pent-up anger. You hoped the Doctor didn't find you for at least another week; he was too sweet and innocent to be on the receiving end of your frustration.
"Stupid what?" The Doctor asked, leaning over the back of the sofa as his fringe hung in front of his eyes, gazing at you cheerily.
"Dammit." You growled.
"...Uhm..." He stood up again, clearly unsure of what he'd done. "What?"
"Can you just-" You squirmed as the pain caused you to almost claw holes in the pillow. "Go awayyy..." You hissed.
"Why? I've only just found you?" He debated sitting next to you on the sofa, but he daren't touch your legs to move them lest you bite him.
"Go. Away." You growled a little louder, your face flustering as you counted to ten. One...two...thr-
"Are you in pain?" He asked, arms resting on the back of the chair as he looked at you with concern.
You lifted your head and glared.
He stepped back.
"Oh-...ohhhhkaaaay then. Yes." He gulped as you slammed your head back down. He tentatively stepped closer again, more cautiously resting his arms on the sofa.
"Why are you in pain?"
"THAT'S IT! GET OUT!" You jumped up, pointing at him as you winced, your face the picture of anger.
He only saw pain though, so he stood there on the other side of the sofa as he stared back, patiently waiting.
Your arm faltered, collapsing by your side as you began to cry wildly. The Doctor's eyebrows arched as he jumped over the sofa to reach you, arms wrapping themselves around you protectively as his soft voice shushed you.
"Hey, hey...it's okay. It's okay." He rested his head on your shoulder. "You don't need to cry. What's the matter?" He stood back and lifted your chin.
Blushing, you didn't quite know what to say.
"Um...well...you know how we visit different periods through time, and one thing stays the same constantly through those periods..." You hoped he might catch at least one of those hints.
"Several things through these periods in time stay the same, but I'm talking about just one of them. Because in all of these periods through time, women have to put up with pretty much the same problems whatever period you're travelling in. Sure, there'll be differences, but there always is, isn't there?"
His face was blank, waiting for you to finish.
"Every single woman has the same problems. They all have their moments and times where they'll all share a problem or experience..."
Nothing. It was almost adorable how oblivious he was.
"But they won't ever talk about this problem much. It's just sorta once of those things women know and understand."
Geez, he was hard work.
"And this happens through every period through time."
"Are you trying to hint on something?" He asked, frowning.
You dragged your hand down your face.
"Yessss." You murmured.
"What are you trying to hint on? All that you're talking about is periods through-" He stopped rather suddenly, his expression becoming blank and a little lost. "...Time." He finished, looking very bemused.
"And the penny drops." You sighed as if you'd just ran a marathon.
He looked at you with an expression that wasn't entirely decodable, every bit as man.
"Okay, can I just sit down now, please?" You pointed behind him. He stepped aside, and you collapsed into the sofa, lying your head back as you hugged the cushion to you.
He turned to see you, turned away again, and sat down like you would when at a friend's house for the first time: awkwardly, prim-and-properly, and sort of nervously.
"Not gonna bite." You mumbled with a grin.
"I know." He paused as if in thought, turning his head to you. "Does it really hurt that much?"
"Be glad you're not a woman."
"I could be. I want to know."
You were momentarily stunned.
"I mean, I don't want to be- uhm..not that it would be a bad thing if I was a woman, but I've sorta got used to-"
"Stop." You breathed.
He snapped his mouth shut.
"It really does hurt really that much." You looked at him, seeing his now very curious face. It made you smile.
"See? That's why I don't want to be a woman."
"Don't blame you. You can fight all the wars, save all the people, run from all the monsters, but you can't escape a period."
"You make it sound terrifying."
"At first..." You nodded, shutting your eyes as you lay your head back again.

Your eyes snapped open again, surprised at the feeling of a cool hand on your stomach. The Doctor shushed you before you could speak, putting another hand on your arm to stop you moving away as a gold light hovered around the stomach-hand.
"What are-" You began, stopping when your insides felt all tingly. He smiled, edging closer as he continued to moderate the pain inside you.
"I don't have enough regeneration energy left for a full rejig, so why shouldn't I use it on you?" He kissed your cheek, watching as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"Silly spaceman." You smirked as the pain disappeared inside you gradually. It did make you feel more than a bit guilty that he was using his regeneration energy on you, but if he was offering...
Besides, this was way better than paracetamol any day.
"Have you had much sleep?" He asked, and you murmured a small no as the lack of pain made you dozy.
"Sleep. I'll keep the pain away whilst you do." He rested his head on yours, and you didn't need telling twice before your eyes fell shut.

Blissful didn't even describe the dreams you had...

@vickielovesbacon for the idea

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