Somewhere not so far from the new anti-void he slept in there was a panicked man-hunt ensuing. Someone who was very, very much like him had gone missing, and the distraught God who called himself his lover would stop at nothing to get him back home after he'd been given the all-clear to be with him. Naturally, as busy Gods such as him do, he enlisted only the finest of Monsters to find his love; The Star Sanses.
Well, rather begrudgingly due to his past experiences with the shortest member, but he felt as though his pride could take it.
And there they were now, searching in...Well, all the wrong spots for the missing skeleton, like some people do with their keys before leaving for work. Except this was part of their work..?
Anyhow, you can tell that they were rather chaotic and unorganised as they went about it.
The tallest and calmest of the trio, Dream, exactly identical to the tallest of the duo Error had first encountered, stood in thought, a small smile played on his lips, though that was nothing unnatural for him – the poor Guardian was cursed with only being able to feel positive emotions in the long-term, after all – and his companions payed it no mind as they rushed about energetically, both screaming for the lost Monster to no avail. Monsters nearby couldn't do anything about it, no matter how strange they were – the tallest was their positivity guardian, the shortest was the one who aided the Creators, and the middle...Was their friend and, according to rumour, could kick-ass despite the innocent façade he kept up, so that was good enough for the inhabitants of this Multiverse.
The smallest, Ink, who was exactly identical to the smallest of the first pair of Monsters Error had met, skidded to a stop, quickly fumbling with the vials attached to the sash-like thing that went over and across his body. He took the yellow, tracing over the purple but inevitably going for the orange one. He opened them up and quickly took a small sip from each; just enough to keep him going. Happiness and Confusion swept over him respectively, and he twisted his body to face Dream, grinning rather insincerely.
"There's no sign of him here in Underswap!"
"Yeah, I know! - H-Hang on, why did we stop here anyway? Wouldn't Blue know if Geno had come here?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. The middle skeleton crashed into a tree in surprise, rubbing his head.
"I...I didn't think of that."
"It's ok, none of us did," Ink reasoned, shrugging, making the other two sigh in exasperation.
"It's...It's not ok though, Reaper already hates you, but if he starts to hate us for not finding Geno, we'll be in hot water. I mean, Blue is a little safer because he's actually attached to his AU still, but-"
"Ok, ok, fine," he nodded, turning to Blue and staring at him blankly. "Blue, you idiot, you fuc-"
"-OKAY, MAYBE DON'T GO DOWN THAT ROAD!" Dream interrupted, smiling nervously. Blue frowned, pulling on his scarf and looking away from the taller skeleton, mumbling ("I'm not a kid, you guys can swear around me..."). Ink just shrugged again, looking down in his scarf for any notes.
"Aha!" he yelled out suddenly. "Remember that Error guy? The one who keeps breaking everything with your brother and his gang?"
"Oh, you mean the guy that stole Blue all those years ago?"
"Hey! He didn't steal me! He kidnapped me!"
"Same thing, but yeah! Him! It says here I met him last week, and that he went to go see Geno! I don't know why, maybe I mentioned him in passing?"
"...Ink, you're an idiot."
"A lovable idiot," he corrected, making Blue chuckle.
"Yeah, ok, oh Great Soulless Guardian. You don't even have a moral compass outside of defending AUs!-"
"L-Let's not get into that," Dream sighed, smile twitching into a temporary frown as he remembered the day he discovered Ink's true intentions. It wasn't pleasant, but he knew that he had to put up with it. And with the both of them working together, both the AUs and their inhabitants were safer. Blue cared for both, so he figured it was a well-rounded team.
"Oh, right. Sorry Dream."
The trio were silent for a second, with Ink coughing slightly.
"So, uh, shouldn't we go find Error?"
"Where would he even be?"
"The Anti-Void, duh!" Blue chastised, hands on hips.
"But...Doesn't it take a while to get there? How do we get in without it taking ages?" Dream asked, twiddling his thumbs. Ink grinned, winking at the taller skeletons.
"I know a shortcut!"
<~o~>Error was sitting on the blue beanbag, frowning as he tried finger knitting with his strings, guided by the voices.
Keyword being trying.
"Nonono hang on, you've gotta move it there-"
"No! Not that way!"
"Why does it look like a duck?!"
"Oowoo (he still didn't know what that sound meant) - I like duckies-"
"Wi-Ii_iLl yoU ChU-U-ucKle fuCK-cks shuT ThE He-e-ElL upP?!" he snapped, groaning at the tangled mess in his hands. He was trying to make his black jacket longer, as in the past few...Days, he guessed, he'd starting growing quite a bit. He figured this white space was much better for him than the other, and he knew he'd been there for at least a month or two before he pulled himself together. Crashing really took a lot out of h-
A group of skeletons fell from the "ceiling" of his new home, all but one of them screaming and the smallest landing right on top of him, making him screech. Static crackled and it burned to be touched. He pushed the intruder off and scrambled to his feet, walking backward and away from the three, all of whom were groaning in pain.
"W-Why did we go through the ceiling?!" the middle-sized skeleton yelled out, rubbing his skull."Ugh, I already hit my head today..."
"That was your own fault," the smallest pointed out, getting to his feet and ignoring the look he received. He coughed a little, folding his arms and grinning. He...Looked like the smaller skeleton from before, Error realised, and the same could be said for both the taller ones. He put his arms down before realising he'd even put held them in front of him, relaxed somewhat by the familiar faces.
"Uh-Hh...C-c-CanN I-I-I hElPp yoU?" he asked, squinting at them. The middle-one (that's the only way he felt he could describe them, anyway) frowned, hands on hips.
"Uh, yeah...Where's Geno?" he asked, making him glitch in repulsion. He looked away, frowning in turn.
"Well, everyone in the other places called me that, but I don't-"
"Other places?-"
"Uhh, Ink? I don't think this is our guy?" the tallest poked the smallest's side. "Ink" turned to face him, confused. Error thought his eyes were nice, but payed the thought no mind.
"That's...Impossible! We're still in our Multiverse's Timeline, so..." he trailed off, starting to grin as he thought. "Another Error...Is that possible..? He doesn't seem..." he looked up and met the glitch's eyes, both gazing at one another. Ink slowly started to grin.
"I...I don't know what's happening," he confessed, nodding, but still looking straight into Error's eyes. The middle-one and the tall-one's eyes both widened, but he continued before they could interject. "This...Is the most puzzling thing I've ever encountered! It's so exciting! I've never heard of anything like this happening before!-" he gagged suddenly, suddenly spewing a jet-black substance. The middle-one groaned, facepalming. Error took a few steps backward, alarmed. Ink finished, coughing and laughing.
"Ooh boy, that hasn't happened for a while!" he chuckled, gasping for air. "But, still! This is really interesting!"
He paused, looking down at Error's slippers.
"Oh, uhh...Sorry about your feet, I kinda splashed ya."
And, with a quick glance downward, he crashed for what felt like the hundredth time in the past few days alone.

How To Create A Destroyer In 404 Days
Fanfiction[Just a warning, I don't really update on here anymore. If you want to read more then please go to AO3, the fic has the exact same name and my username is the same :)] When he woke up, he didn't expect to have to go to another Multiversal Timeline t...