21. Looking Gorgeous,Dr

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Meera wore the  dress and twirled around in front of the mirror excited like a little kid.

She quickly took a picture and sent it to Cristina.

"Woww, Mr.Rude has turned into Mr.Romantic !", She texted.

Meera blushed.

The driver picked up Meera and left for Daadu's house.The car stopped in front of a majestic bungalow facing the river.There was a large lawn beside it facing the beautiful river, people were gathering there and chitchatting in small groups, most of them were elderly people.

Meera's eyes searched for Arjun in the small crowd.She was looking here and there trying to find him,when she noticed a tall and pretty girl walking towards her.She looked very lady-like and pleasant.She extended her hand towards Meera ,"Hi Ma'am, I am Kriti.We have talked over the phone,remember?"

"Ohh, yeah. Hi, Kriti, pleasure to meet you.", Meera greeted with a beautiful smile.

"Your dress looks really pretty. I can say Arjun Sir's choice is gorgeous" Kriti said looking at Meera.

"Yeah, the dress is really nice.He surely has a good choice",Meera said.

"I was talking about you,Ma'am.You look gorgeous"

Meera smiled shyly on getting addressed as Arjun's choice.

They chatted for a while.

Meera saw Arjun walking down the stairs with Daadu towards the party area.

He looked at Meera and gave a broad smile.He was as usual looking dapper wearing a black and white suit.

He came towards Meera and whispered in her ears,"Looking Gorgeous, Dr" and wrapped his arm around her waist .Meera smiled from ear to ear on hearing his compliment.

He took her towards Daadu who welcomed her with a warm hug.

"Never thought I could see this day in my life. You both make a lovely pair", Daadu said and pecked Meera's forehead.

"The dress fits perfectly!", Arjun whispered.

"Thank you for the surprise", Meera said holding his hand.

Daadu cleared his throat to gain their attention,"If you both are done with the flirting,Can we cut the cake?"

Meera's face turned red like a tomato.

All of them wished Happy Birthday to Daadu and Daadu cut the lovely cake.

Daadu took the first slice of the cake and gave it to Arjun and Meera. 

Arjun warned him not to eat too much cake and walked over to talk to his business associates.

Meera watched him eat peacefully hiding from Arjun,"No more cake Daadu! Sugar level will spike up"

"Are you a detective or a doctor?", Daadu said holding his arms up.

"Both when it comes to health", Meera said making a finger gun with her hand.

"Ok, surrendered!",Daadu accepted defeat and put the cake away.

He gestured her to sit down next to him and held her hand.

"I have never seen Arjun smile like this in a long time. He genuinely looks really happy.Thank you so much beta", Daadu said emotionally.

Meera smiled at him and nodded," I love him so much,Daadu. I know that he will never hurt me".

Daadu laughed and looked at her.

He saw a middle aged man coming towards them with a gift in his hand and his smile suddenly vanished.

"Happy Birthday", He wished and gave the gift to Daadu.

He looked at Meera and gave her a pleasant smile,"Dr.Meera Verma, Right?"

Meera nodded in positive .

"Never seen Arjun with a girl at an event before", He said.

Meera didn't know what to reply. She just smiled.

Daadu was silent throughout the whole conversation.

"You should come visit my house sometime with Arjun.I would love to host you both", He said.

"OK, that's enough!!", Arjun almost shouted.

Meera was startled noticing the anger in Arjun's voice. Daadu asked him to calm down.

"I think it's time for us to leave", Arjun said with frustration looking at the man.

"Come again later, beta. Thank you soo much for joining me here!", Daadu said with a smile looking at Meera.

Arjun furiously held Meera's hand and walked out.

He got in the car and drove rashly.

"Arjun, you okay?", Meera asked with concern.

No reply. He didnot utter a single word throughout the drive.

Who do you think man is? Why did Arjun become so frustrated?

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                                                             XOXO,Lots of love...

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