Taehyung's P.O.V
I was leaving for my office in five minutes and found myself in front of the mirror wondering if I looked good enough. After five minutes of posing, I blink and stare at myself.
"Since when do I care about how I look to go to work??"
I shake my head, grab my briefcase and head out the door to my work building. Fifteen minutes later I'm standing in front of my office door. I was afraid of entering and facing my co-workers, or even worse, my boss.
Tae, you have to go to work, just be a man and go in
One last breath and I grab the doorknob, slowly twisting and entering the room. I look around and see Namjoon at his desk, as well as Yoongi.
Where's Jimin? Could he be once again with Jungkook? What if he brings him here?
"Yoongi hyung, isn't that Jiminie's desk?" I walk towards my desk and put down my briefcase, looking at the desk in front of mine I see Yoongi.
"Yes, he asked me to help him with a virus while he went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for the both of us" Yoongi looks at me for a brief instant after he answered before focusing back on his screen.
"Coffee! I need coffee" With that I leave, hearing my hyung slightly laugh in the background. "I have to talk to Jimin" I whisper to myself.
Without looking I enter the kitchen and head over to the coffee machine and grab a cup ready to pour myself a hot cup of coffee and begin my day when bad luck struck me once again as I hear footsteps enter the room. I rise my gaze and encounter Jimin talking with none other than Jeon Jungkook.
I put down my cup hoping to make a run for it.
"Oh hey, Taehyungie" I feel Jimin wrap an arm around me and I try to smile to him.
"Hello, Taehyung" This time I can't even muster half a tensed smile. I'm here terrified about this entire situation, yet he seems so calm. How does he do it? I can't even look at him in the eye.
"Is everything okay, Kim?" Oh god why does he keeps talking?? Jungkook approaches us and looks me up and down waiting for an answer.
"Taehyung, you haven't said a word? Are you okay?" The orange haired midget asks me.
"I-I can't be here" I put down my cup and walk rather quickly out of that kitchen.
Oh god, oh god. I feel my heart beat incredibly fast, my hands are sweaty and my feet are leading me god knows where. By the time I stop I'm alone in the elevator. I rest my back against the wall and breath.
"How did I go from hating him to not being able to look at him?! This is so messed up" I shake my head and try to sort through my feelings which I'm incapable of right now.
"Hoseok. I have to talk to Hoseok" I press the button to my friend's floor and get out of the elevator. I walk straight to his office, startling his coworker.
"Hi Jihoon, h-have you seen Hoseok hyung?" I ask out of breath.
"Yeah he went to talk to the Jeon, he should be back any minute now. You can go check the boss's office if you want" Jihoon pointed to the door and back to me.
"No! Um I'll just wait for him here. I-if you don't mind" I smile nervously and sit down awkwardly at my hyung's desk.
"Not at all" Jihoon looked me up and down like most people lately, before getting back to work.
"Thanks, hyung" I muster a small smile and try to relax.
I waited about five minutes later which to me seemed like twenty. When it was over, my red haired friend finally came in the office.
"TaeTae, what are you doing here?" Hoseok looks at me and at Jihoon who shook his head.
"I um I have to, no, I need to talk to you. Can we um, meet up at lunch? Please?" I grab his hand and plead.
"Yes of course, where?" Hoseok smiles and pats my shoulder to try and calm me down.
"How about here in your office? Will Jihoon be there?" I look at Jihoon and back at Hoseok.
"No, his boyfriend usually comes to take him out to lunch" Hoseok answered.
"Damn, he really hit the lotto with Soonyoung" I groan. I was always so jealous of their relationship.
"Tell me about it" Hoseok rolls his eyes but laughs as well. "Okay, see you in three hours then?"
"Perfect, thank you hyung" With that I hurried back to my office.
What is Jimin going to be thinking??
I totally seemed lunatic this morning.
With trembling hands, I opened the doorknob and entered my office. This time Jimin was at his desk and Namjoon was the one missing. I took a deep breath and went to sit down and started working.
Great, I thought. Jimin hasn't asked me anything, maybe I didn't seem so weird this morning. That thought made me smile and hope for the best. Until two hours later when Jimin called my name.
"Hey Tae? Can I ask something?"
"Um yeah? Maybe..." I look up and see Jimin watching me from his desk.
"What was that about this morning, you acted so weird"
"H-how so?" I play dumb thinking it would work but obviously, it would never.
"Well for one you acted so jumpy and barely said a word. And what was all that about you that couldn't be here?" Jimin furrows his eyebrows and kept on staring at me.
"Oh that" I faked a laugh while I tried to think of an answer. "I um I had to go drop a file at Hoseok's office, I had forgotten I told him I'd be there early so that's why I said that. I meant I couldn't be in the kitchen talking to you guys because I had to be up there. Yeah that's it."
"Ohh I get it. Is everything good now?" Jimin looked at me with a worried face.
"Yep, I went to his office and straightened everything out" I smile and give him a thumbs up.
"Oh good, good. If you get a chance tell Jungkook, he taught it was his fault or something" Jimin absentmindedly said while sorting some files.
"W-Why his fault?"
"Well Jungkook is no fool Tae. He knows you hate him and even though he pretends otherwise, your words hurt him."
"Oh, I didn't know..." I truthfully admit.
"He is human Tae, he has feelings"
"I wouldn't be so sure, I mean he did hurt mine as well and he doesn't seem to feel that bad about it" I say through gritted teeth.
"Whatever, I never understood all that fighting between the two of you, but you should talk about it. To each other"
"Oh no, I could never talk to him"
"Why not? Tae, I want you to, please. You should get to know him, he really is an amazing person"
"Well if you like him so much just date him already gee" I slam shut my computer, get up and leave as flashesabout the kiss with Jungkook showed up in my mind. I go into the nearestbathroom and lock myself in one of the stalls and sink down on the floor.

My annoying boss | Taekook
FanfictionI thought that having a crush on your boss was the worst thing that could happen to you, but obviously I was wrong.