No One POV. The meeting that all admins, watcher's, listener's and observers were attending was going smoothly, as smoothly as it can get because it hasn't even started yet due to Watchers 1 and 2 having some... issues with something as I was told to write down. So the admins that weren't busy with homew- I mean paper work, they were playing Uno while the others were watching and/or listening. Grian was helping Xisuma win while Joe was bantering to Jessasin because he can't read or write without his glasses.
"Hey, what colour do you guys want?" Xisuma asked as he placed his last card, a +4 colour change card, down. He was smirking underneath his helmet as Grian silently laughed as watchers aren't supposed to talk. Xisuma is the admin of a "hidden server" called Hermitcraft, Grian's the servers watcher, Joe's the listener, and Jess's the observer. "That's cheating, you had G.X. help you, and he can't even talk without stuttering!" Another admin exclaimed. "I can't help the fact that everyone on the Hermitcraft server is extremely competive when is comes to Uno." Xisuma explained as Jess and Joe calmed Grian down.
"How much longer are Watchers 1 and 2 gonna take because if they don't get here soon, I'm taking a na- owwww." Joe groaned, rubbing his head. Due to the listeners wearing thick blindfolds, they require assistants with getting around, so when Joe was talking, he ended up walking into a wall and fell on the floor. After he got up, with a little help, a robed figure strolled in like he owned the place and spoke "*Xisuma, Grian, Joe, and Jess, come with me." The four of them followed the robed person out of the large meeting that was actually a baquet hall that looked similar to one in Harry Potter, down a twisty hallway and into a strange room. "*Stay here." The robed figure told them as they left, closing and locking the door behind them. Xisuma ran up and started banging on the iron door as the other three men froze, unsure of what to do seeing as they allowed to have weapons, dangerous blocks and/or items, only food, which is just golden carrots gallor for all of the hermits besides cookies and cake, books and their communicator which looks similar to a phone except it's strapped on your left wrist and if nessicary, turns into a watch.
"Gri, can you use your watcher magic on the door?" Xisuma asked as Grian shook his head with a sad/disapponted look in his hetero eye's, if you could see them through the watchers mask. Without the mask and slightly oversized robes, Grian wears his most reconizible outfit, a red jumper, blueish grey jeans and black runner. Underneath the hood and mask you can see his messy dirty blond hair and black heterocrome eyes with the bottem of his eyes blue and hazel brown. The thing that Xisuma was glad about is that he couldn't see Joe and Grian's pupils. Those who participated and/or was killed in Demise, their pupils became x's and were black or white depending ontheir eye colour. When Demise ended and those on the dead team got their colour back, their pupils remained the same as a constent reminder of what happened.
Xisuma rested his helmeted head against the door. His suit, for some odd reason, changes every season and/or update Minecraft expirences. "Fuck." He sighed. "Language!" Joe shouted. "English!" Grian replied. Jess facepalmed. Unbenoced to them, they were being watched. The robed figure that led them to the room looked at another figure wearing the exact same outfit nodded. Meanwhile in said room, Grian and Joe had taken off the watcher and listener outfits due to the room suddenly getting warmer, totally not plot conveinence, and were now reading out loud, Joe was the one who was reading out loud to the others while Xisuma, Jess and Grian got somewhat comfortable, well as comfortable as you can get when you're sitting/laying in a room made of dark prismarine, obsidion and bedrock that's also triggering Grian.
Suddenly, a translucent gas sprayed/misted into the room, surprising all of the men. As if it muscle memory, Grian stood up, Xisuma, Joe and Jess started to stand up when Grian promply, and almost dramaticly, fainted towards the nearest person, which was Xisuma. "Grian!" They shouted as Xisuma caught Grian, then almost dropped him because we can all agree that Xisuma's a huge adorable derp. Then Joe collapsed onto Jess, who fell on his back with a small "oof". "If it's okay," Jess told Xisuma while yawning, "I'm gonna take a nap." And with that he yawned again and fell asleep. Xisuma sat back down with a sigh, as he shifted Grian to have a better grip on the short man with 6 foot largeass wings! 'You know what, the others wouldn't mind if I take a quick nap, then I'll try and teleport us out.' And with that Xisuma layed on his back, shifted the gremlin so that Grian would lay on Xisuma's chest, his soft, evened out breathing making him smile tiredly. The last thing Xisuma saw before fading into dream land was two or three blurry figures standing above him and his friends.
I'm sorry if the chapters come out slowly, school sucks.I was originally going to say earlier when the robed figure entered ' like nobody's buisness' but yet again.

They're Always Watching
FanfictionWhile attending a meeting, Xisuma, Grian, Joe and Jessasin find themselves in unfimliar building only to find out their fellow hermits are also in the same building. Can they all escape in time before the building blows up?