Chapter 12 - Iced Coffee and Ice Cream

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When they got back to the school, Crutchie nudged Jack's arm, hoping he could wake Jack up before Davey to save them the embarrassment, "Jack, wake up," 

Unfortunately, Jack and Davey woke up at the same time, they looked at each other briefly before Davey cleared his throat and said "Let's never speak of this again,"

They exited the bus, a bunch of parents were waiting there to pick up their kids. Jack and Crutchie located Medda and gave her a huge hug. "Did you have fun, boys?" Medda asked.

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun," Jack nodded, "we made lego cars, flew kites, held a praying mantis, we even helped Davey with homesickness,"

"Mostly Jack did that last thing, actually, it was 100% Jack," Crutchie corrected.

"Well, you ready to go home and finish planning for Jack's birthday party?" Medda asked.

"Yes! I almost forgot about that," Jack smiled.

Davey looked around, somewhere in this mess had to be his mom or someone.

"Davey!" He heard from somewhere, "Davey, over here!"

Davey looked over and saw two people approaching him, Sarah and Katherine. "Oh, hey" he waved.

"You survived the science retreat, how'd it go?" Katherine asked him.

"I had a lot of fun," Davey nodded.

"How was staying away from us overnight?" Sarah brought him over to the car, "I know that was your first time,"

"Well, I was really homesick on the first night, but Jack reminded me that even though I was hours away from you guys, you were still with me in heart," Davey got in the back seat of the car.

"You're probably tired," Sarah got in the drivers seat and turned the car on.

"Yeah, definitely," Davey nodded.

"Great, let's get some caffeine in your system before we go home," Sarah let Katherine get in the passenger seat and backed out of the parking spot.

"What?" Davey asked.

"We're going to Starbucks and getting some coffee," Katherine told him.

"Oh... I've never had coffee before, my mom's never let me," Davey shrugged,

"It's fine, we checked, she's ok with it," Sarah assured him. When they got to the Starbucks, Katherine went and waited in line.

"Okay, what do you want?" She asked Sarah and Davey.

"You know what I usually get," Sarah pointed finger guns.

"Okay, what about Davey?" Katherine looked at Davey.

"Um... what is there?" Davey asked.

"The menu's right over there," Sarah pointed. Davey walked over to where she pointed and got as close as he needed to to see, which he realized was actually pretty close, "I don't know what the heck half of this means,"

"Well, do you want hot coffee or iced coffee?" Katherine started, "I personally recommend iced, but whatever you prefer,"

"I don't know what I prefer, I've never had coffee before," Davey pointed out.

"You know what? You're gay. Katherine, get him an iced coffee, with milk," Sarah decided.

"Okie doke," Katherine nodded.

"Wait, what does being gay have to do with anything?" Davey asked.

"Well it's just a fact that all gays like iced coffee, come on, you've got to know this stuff," Sarah told him.

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