Castiel - Dancing

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You were in your room at the bunker. Sam and Dean, your brothers, went on a hunt, but you stayed home to take some times for yourself. You turned on your music, your favorite song went. You started dancing and singing, like everyone do when they're alone. You jumped as you saw Castiel standing on the doorway.
"Damn it Cas! You could've knock"  "Sorry Y/n" "Does something bother you?" you asked as you walked toward him. "Sam and Dean wanted me to look out for you" "Oh yeah right. That's look like them" you said rolling your eyes. Your brothers were always over protective with you.
"You have a beautiful voice"
Cas suddenly said. "W-What" "I heard you singing and you do have a beautiful voice" "Oh you heard me sing" awesome "Well thank you" Cas only smiled. "Can you teach me how to dance" he asked. "Uh sure why not" you answered, awkwardly. You sure wanted to dance with Cas, I mean, it's Cas. But he's an angel, and you didn't know if angels really have mooves. You turned to the music, which stopped. You walked toward it and putted an other song. It was a slow song.

You turned to Cas, and he was closer than you thought. Also, he didn't have his trench coat anymore. "Why did you take it off" you asked. He usually never do it. "Cause I think it would be easier" "Yeah you right" looks hot without it tho "Do you know how to dance on it Cas?" he tilted his head "Do you know how to dance a slow?" "I don't think so" you chuckled softly and walked closer to him. You weren't used to be that close to Cas.
"Okay so, put your right hand on my back" he did as you said, and you putted your left hand on his shoulder blade. You took his other hand in yours, so your arm and his were almost folded. "Okay now moove your feet as the same time as me". He looked down at your right foot and you moved it to the right, as he follow you. You did the same with the left and so does he. He looked up, and he met your gaze. Still moving, he smiled softly at you. You smiled back. But the dance didn't looked natural. You putted your right foot between his and so you were closer. He understood what you wanted to do so he putted his hand lower, on your waist. You putted your hand upper on his shoulder blade so you were more comfortable. Your head was almost touching his shoulder. Your hand still in his, you started to slowly turn in circle.
After two turns, you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Cas didn't complained and continued turning. Everything looked so perfect. Like in the movies. You looked up at him, and meet his ocean blue eyes. You didn't say anything and just looked in his eyes. He gave you an other smile "Can I?" "What?" he didn't answered and softly kissed you on the lips. He pulled back, and you smiled. "I think that's what people do when they dance. I saw it on a movie but if you don't want to I'm so-" he was cutted off when you kissed him again. "It's okay" you said. "I love you" you raised your eyebrows when he said this. "Too soon?" he asked worried "No no, I love you too Cas" he smiled and you rested your head on his shoulder again. You two started dancing again, even if there wasn't music anymore.

"Hello Lovebirds" you heard Sam's voice from behind Cas. You turned to the door and saw Dean and Sam on the doorway. Cas pulled back and you were kinda disappointed of the lost of his arms. "Huh hello Dean. Sam" said Cas. Sam was smiling wide and Dean wasn't understanding what's going on. "What's going on in here" asked Dean. "I love you sister" your eye widened and your turned to Cas. So does Dean's. "You what" "Wasn't expecting that" said Sam. But he was still smiling like an idiot. "Come on Dean, give them some space" he said. Before he left, Dean said to Cas "If you hurt her, I'll send you back to heaven" and he was pulled away by the arm by Sam.
Cas turned to you and your cheeks were red. You turned to him and sighed. He opened his arms and you felled in it, resting your head on his chest. "Look like you're in trouble" you said, chuckling. He chuckled too and kissed your head.
"Use protections!!" you heard Dean from the library. You were going to respond when you heard a "Dean! Stop it!" and a "Ouch Sam!"
"Welcome to the family" you said looking up to Cas.

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