Chapter 2

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Ember's pov

Yesterday was dad's funeral but I still couldn't believe that he is no more. Mom died giving me birth. But dad was always there for me. He was my father, my mother , my brother , my everything. How could he just leave me . That too with heart attack. What the hell. He was a fucking Don, throughout my life I thought he'll be murdered or die due to some plan of the enemies. But heart attack!!!

Now that dad is no more I have just my brothers as family. Lucifer became the Don as he is the eldest. Hell, he was trained to be Don since he was 5. Rest of my brothers were trained since they were 10. But's a no no. Dad loved me a lot I was his princess therefore he never trained me. He always said that he is fully capable of protecting me and therefore I will not train. But ofcourse Lucifer opposed this, but then dad changed to his Don mode and shut Lucifer's mouth. But now he is no more and Lucifer is my legal guardian, to say I'm sacred is an understatement. Just thinking about him sends chills to me. I remember when Talon went to school against his wish, for two days I didn't see Talon and when he came on the third day he was all covered in bruises and blood , he was not able to sit or stand properly.
Rocco told me that Lucifer punishment him for not following his orders. What kind of guy does this to his younger brother, oh ofcourse Lucifer. Not only Lucifer but all of my brothers are like this except Talon ofcourse as he is my favourite but if my elder brothers tell him to do something he'll do it no matter what and that's what is not good.

 Not only Lucifer but all of my brothers are like this except Talon ofcourse as he is my favourite but if my elder brothers tell him to do something he'll do it no matter what and that's what is not good

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                                  Ember's Bedroom

                                     Ember's bathroom

                                     Ember's bathroom

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                                 Ember's closet

My train of thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Come in" I said

And then Blade came in. He as usual was wearing black suit. Man this guy loves black and he looks quite hot in it too, but right now is not the time to drool over my handsome brother so I collected myself and said with sass "What?".

Blade remained calm which my friends is not a good sign. Then after a minute he said "I would keep my tone in check if I was in your place young lady"

Young lady this is not good at all .

"But right now I'm here to inform you that Lucifer wants you in his office. And I'm going to report this behaviour of yours to him. Now get your ass out of this damn bed and go to the office." he growled.

I quickly got up and ran towards the office. I stopped when the office came in view. Thousands of thoughts were running in my mind but one thing was certainly clear that something bad is going to happen.

I slowly started walking towards the office and stood in front of the door. My palms were sweating and I was very nervous. I slowly knocked the door and "come in" was all I heard. I was not at all able to process anything when suddenly the door opened and a very angry Lucifer came in view. Shit, I was standing there too long.

I meekly said "Sorry" and quickly went inside with Lucifer following me. Then I sat on the chair infront of the desk.

"You'll not sit on the chair without given permission to" came a deep voice.

I quickly stood up and looked behind to see him walking towards the desk and sitting on his chair.

Then he said, "You'll stand in attention position with your hands behind your back in the middle of the office whenever you come here. Is that clear."

I quickly went in the middle of the office and replied "Yes Lucifer"

"That's yes sir to you" he growled.

Fucking hell am I some puppet to do what he says. But right now it's best for me to listen to him therefore I quickly said "Yes sir".

Hmm was all he replied and started working. Man this guy really sucks first he calls me in his office, then orders me and now he's working as if I do not exist.

"Luc.." I started.....

When he said glaring at me "I think I made it clear that you will call me sir. But it is clear that it didn't get in that thick skull of your, but don't worry when I'll be done with your punishment you'll never repeat this mistake again. As for now I am busy so stay there without any noise or any movement or it'll add more to your punishment."

Punishment ...... no no no God please show mercy. But right now the only person that can show some mercy is Lucifer, the devil. So I stood there following his instructions. After fifteen minutes what seemed like an hour .

He started "so......"
and opened the drawer of his desk and took out a thick wooden ruler. My eyes widened at the sight of the ruler. I was so horrified that I didn't even noticed Lucifer getting up and standing in front of me. I looked at Lucifer with the best puppy eyes I can but he didn't even noticed them.

"First you sassed, then took your own time coming here , sat on the chair without permission and then disobeyed me . You'll get ten smacks for each mistake. So in total you'll get fourth smacks. Now, hands out."

I quickly put my hands out not making him more angry.

Crack Crack. Crack Crack Crack. Crack. Crack Crack
Crack Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack Crack. Crack. Crack
Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack Crack. Crack. Crack Crack
Crack Crack. Crack. Crack Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack
Crack. Crack Crack Crack Crack Crack. Crack. Crack

" So let's start with the main topic. As you know I am your legal guardian and therefore I have set some rules for you that you will follow or face the same consequences as your brothers. You will not do anything without my permission. And from tomorrow you will start the training with each one of us, the schedule will be provided after dinner. Each of them has permission to punish you. But I'll personally have a talk with you when training is over. As for my training you'll report me after their training is over. So now let's start with the rules

No. 1) You'll call all of us sir unless given permission to.
No. 2) You'll respect others , be polite to them .
No. 3) Cursing, back talking, attitude and sass will not be tolerated
No. 4) Punctuality is important.
No. 5)Keep your grades high, not less than A+
No. 6) School record should be good
No. 7) Report to me before leaving the house
No. 8) Smoking, drinking , drugs, weeds is prohibited
I can add more rules if necessary.

Now, a few more things and then we are done for the day. So you'll always have a bodyguard with you. I'll choose your clothes and food. You'll use your phone or laptop only when I am informed. Brekfast will be at 7 am and dinner at 8 pm. Be on time or you'll not get any food. Now leave."

I ran out of his office and directly in my room. I laid on the bed crying and cursing my faith. And slowly feel asleep.

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