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Suga"s pov

The bullet train makes a loud noise and stop noise making my ears cringe

I finally spot akaashi . Hey suga did I keep you waiting long.

Nope though you better be ready to bring aspirin cause yaku bought 3 bottles

Three bottles of what? Tequila and vodka

Not again he says in a panicked voice. This time he booked a hotel so we won't have to have another taxi incident

Oh god suga don't remind me of the taxi incident. Memories of them all getting in the wrong cab flushed back in

The smell of wine still haunts me

Third person pov

The two had arrived at a building of shiratorizawa since oikawa refused to be picked up early if it meant going near there

Finally two familiar heads were spotted the ash haired man and the shorter one beside him with uneven hair

It didn't look that bad they all just enjoyed bullying him for it

Hey semi , yo suga

Shirabu just waved

Why are you so quiet today shirabu?

Semi decided to wake me up at 3:00 am to get stuff ready but I had already packed and didn't tell him

So he had woken me UP FOR NOTHING

Shhhhh salty child akaashi whispered

We're picking up oikawa next then leaving to hotel

Oikawa's pov

I have to go bye Iwa-Chan , shut up crappykawa I'm still half as sleep and tired

And why are you even in my kitchen shittykawa literally no one told you to

Because your mom likes me Iwa-Chan

"Cause he doesn't know how much of a devil you are

Rude Iwa .ok shh and leave now I'm going back to bed

I gotta go but I left you eggs in the fridge love you Iwa-Chan You to trashy-kawa

Third person pov

They all had arrived at the hotel yaku had booked and was waiting at

Wassup whores get in the building

Ahh yes a yaku greeting

Everyone walked inside to see give large bottles of whatever liquor they were about to hate the next day


Akaashi checking his phone sighed walking over to a bottle of liquor popping the cap off and downing it straight from the bottle

What happened change of heart to drinking yaku asked

No bokuto-San texted me asking if phones were just mini computers

Hand me a bottle to semi gestures today I woke up to screaming because tendou was trying to extinguish a fire from the toaster because the other part of the team wanted to know

What would happen if they put butter on toast and then put it in the toaster

Here suga gestured

The all downed drink after drink

1 hour later

Hey guys ok you can't tell anyone about this shirabu whisper yelled wasted out of his mind

One time I was angry at semi and told him I hope he's prepared for our special day
And it was the funniest shit I've ever seen

C-cause all the color drained from his face ,it wasn't a special day I just wanted to scare him


That was your fault dumb ass for believing me

Akaashi recording oikawa who was currently attempting to twerk while wasted

Guys yaku shouted lev bought crocs he has big fucking feet tho like I could fit my head in that bitch haHA

Akaashi drunk off his rocks wasn't recording them instead he was accidentally insta living without knowing that all the captains were watching them

Currently In The dads group chat

Dad crow :what are they doing

Owlman: my Akaashi would never get drunk!?

Nyan-nyan: he looks pretty drunk from here bokuto😃

Farmerboy:my team is very mature and would never do this

Iwa-chu:your Semi just threw up in a pool

Nyan-nyan:👁👄👁 is yaku playing with a can of hair spray and lighter

Iwa-chu:and your two setters from shiratorizawa just snorted a pixie stick whilst the other is drinking wine from a straw and vodka from the other straw😃

farmerboy:why are they tying putting suga in shopping cart

Dad crow: OH SHIT!? They rolled the cart down a hill I think I saw suga fly out

Owlman: I see fire in the background 👁👄👁

Owlman:and police just showed up I think I just saw Akaashi bench press a cop and-

Nyan-nyan: We CAn SEE BOKUtO...also I think "kaashi just got tazed

Dad crow:I think we should go pick them up cause they all just got arrested 😤

farmerboy:I think that would be the best option

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