~Tords pov~
Tom fell asleep as I woke up.. I can't fall asleep again, I looked at Tom as he continued to sleep cuddling the bunny I got him.. damn he's cute, I kissed him on his forehead as he smiles slightly.. "hmm T-Tord" he says in his sleep as I smile, Is he dreaming of me or thinks of me even when asleep? I questioned as he turns twords me as I smiled at his cuteness. I moved closer to him as began to held him and smiled, man I love this cutie.. I still can't believe he's mine, I mean he's so.. perfect? Beautiful, cute, even hot and well he's great... Hmm I still think of his aunt as well, I hate that woman but let's not think about her. I kissed Tom on the head as he nuzzled his face into my chest as the bunny is behind him somewhere, he's so damn cute and just amazing, I love he way he feels and everything. I felt my eyes become heavy as I slowly fell asleep..~Time skip~
Now tomorrow Edd and his boyfriend is coming over so I should get ready, does he have plans for us.. knowing him probably, and I shod probably clean up- oh I got a text, and it's from TommyText
Tom: hey Tord, you free today??
Tord: no not really I gotta clean
Tom: oh really? But your house is so clean!
Tord: lol thx but I should clean up for tomorrow
Tom: you mean for your friend?
Tord: yeppers
Tom: hmm can I come over and help? I just kinda wanna hangout.
Tord: you sure??
Tom: yep
Tord: yeah okay, I'll pick u up
Tom: okay text me when you arrive, I'll get ready
Tord: okie
End of text
Okay cool I guess..
I got ready and drove of too Tom's house as I finally arrived, I texted him and he said he'll be out in a sec.. I waiting and looked over when I seen movement and seen Tom walking over and entering the truck. "Hey Tord, I hope I'm not a bother" he said worryingly "hey don't worry about it, it's all good" I said starting the truck as we drove to my place.. he seems odd "you okay?" I asked as he sighed "yeah
.. I just umm don't wanna be there right now" he said as I felt worried "how come?" I asked knowing it's probably his aunt "nothing, that house just doesn't feel like home" he said as I felt sad for him "I'm sorry Tommy" I said as I stopped the truck at a red light and took Tom's hand making him look at me as I kissed him and he of course kissed back, we separated as I started to drive again "I love you Tord" he said as I smiled "I love you too Tom" I said as we soon arrived at my place as I exited the truck as i went to Tom's side opening the door and picked him up britel style "T-Tord!?" Tom screeched as I walked over to my house and giggled slightly, I opened the door and walked over to my bedroom and placed tom on my bed as I kissed his cheek "T-Tord.. your weird" he said flustered as I smiled and climbed on him and held him as my head rested on his chest as I could hear his heart rate. "Can we stay like this for a little?" I asked as Tom put his arms around me "mhm" he said probably still flushed, cute.. pretty, and beautiful.. man I love this man, cleaning can wait I want this right now..I held tom as we just stayed, honestly we don't even need to talk or anything to show love or to have fun. This, this right here is enough though I love his voice, I love this cutie.. we hanged out as I held him, he feels so small.. I hummed slightly as I nuzzled my face into his chest as I could hear his giggle. Man I love this, he's so comfortable.. "I love you Tommy" I told him "I love you too Tord, I love you so much" he said as I smiled.. we should probably clean up soon... Man I do not want to honestly. Maybe we can tommorow morning and we could wake up a little early and clean.. then he'd stay a night again and we could spend the time together cuddling and with eating each other and we'll just be with one and the other.
After some time I guess I fell asleep and I guess I'll tell Tom about it when waking up.
I opened my eyes feeling hands go through my hair as I looked up to see tom "why hello sleepy head" he said as I smiled "hmm oh hey~" I said still tired "how are you cutie?" He asked making me blush "I-I'm good Tommy" I said as he smiled that cute smile "and you?" I questioned "I'm good" he said as I held him tighter "oh hey Tommorow morning we'll clean, okay" I said as he hummed as a response..
~next morning~
(He slept in the afternoon not at night... I mean he slept at night too but they made dinner and hanged out and stuff)It's been a hour since we woke up and we cleaned the house and chilled out after and I got a text from Edd saying he'll be here at the airport in a few hours.. okay cool..
(That's all... Sorry for the odd ending and I hope y'all liked this chapter -w-)

my love for you (tordtom highschool AU) Complete!!
FanfictionUnder rewriting though I'm only fixing spelling mistakes.. I might change the end of the fanfic Discrimination Tom has had a crush on Tord for quite a while but Tord seemed to never notice him till one day he joins his class for some reason. Tord si...