We all have dreams growing up. Whether they be big dreams or small dreams. Sometimes both. We go through and follow some of these dreams, and others we forget about and just leave behind in the dust. Even some of our biggest of dreams. Well, not me. I wanted to make this dream a reality. Let me just take you back a few years...
Growing up, I was like any other young girl. I loved Hannah Montana, Zac Efron, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, etc. As I grew, these celebrities did too. Then they tried getting out of the kid area, I guess you would say. The wanted their acting/music to grow up also. I guess they tried a little too hard. They got a little too grown up. I've always dreamed of ministering to these people. As I got older there were new celebrities I wanted to be able to minister to. For example, One Direction, Katy Perry, Conor Franta (I don't know if you would consider him a celebrity or not but I sorta do), Bethany Mota, etc.
I'm the kind of person that believes, if you have a dream, go for it. That is what I have been doing for the past probably six years now. I have finally reached the point where I am making major progress!
I just finished school about a couple yeas ago. I went to a college that was about twenty minutes from Dallas and got my bachelors in business. After I graduated, I moved back to the small town in Missouri where I had grown up and started cosmetology school. I I basically went for what I needed to go for, in order to reach my calling. I want to eventually become a celebrity makeup/hair stylist. We lived about fifteen to twenty minutes from Branson, and there are a lot of shows that go on in Branson. I was able to get a job doing makeup for one of the shows. It was so neat, because it gave me a chance to see what it would somewhat be like when I did do this for the movies, concerts, and things such as. Of course, when I work for them, I'll be better and it will probably be a lot more chaotic. I used that job to help pay off my college debts, even though I still have plenty to have to pay off. I also put some money away for when the day comes that I move. I hope to someday live in Los Angles, and let me just say, it is not cheap to live there.
I'll be honest with you, these past years have not been easy. There were so many people that told me that I'd never be able to reach my dream. They said that being able to spread the gospel to celebrities would be impossible. It was very discouraging and frustrating. Frustrating because, if someone said they felt like God wanted them to go to a Communists country to spread the gospel, people would encourage them and tell them "Good luck!" They are going somewhere where they could get killed if they are found out by the government! Don't get me wrong, I respect these missionaries. I just don't get why their form of ministry is praised, while mine is nearly looked down upon.
Of course, not everyone is negative toward my calling. It can just get a little overwhelming when your trying to complete God's will for your life when everyone is beating you down. I just have to remind my self that "all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me," and I'm going to prove all those people wrong.
Now, I finally have the chance to do so. I have recently received information that the band, One Direction is hiring for a hairstylist. You might ask, "What about Lou?!" Well Lou has recently found out that she is expecting again! She decided that she wanted to be home now to take care of the new addition to their family. It would be a little hard having both little ones on tour.
I will admit, although we will miss Lou, I am beyond thankful for this opportunity. As soon as I heard that they needed a new hairstylists, I got ahold of Paul Higgins, One Directions manager, to see how I would apply for the job. How was I supposed to know? It's not everyday that one applies to be One Direction's hairstylist. He emailed me an application, I filled it out, and emailed it back.
A couple weeks later I got a call from him. I guess he liked my application. He told me if I could fly to London he would meet me there and interview me. I was so surprised. I mean, it's not like I was a famous hairstylists or anything. Since I didn't really have my name out there, I wasn't expecting to be someone that they would be interested in. I guess I was wrong. I had tried not to get my hopes up only to be disappointed that I didn't get the job. I was just praying for God's will. Although, to be honest, I was really hoping that God's will would be for me to get the job. I was beyond happy when I found out that they wanted to interview me. I immediately started making plans. When can I go? What should I pack? What should I wear? My mind couldn't stop. I was thinking about all the details of my trip while trying to comprehend that this was actually happening.
(Author's Note) Hey Guys! So sorry this chapter is so short!! This is my first book, so please bear with me!!

Reality ➳ one direction
FanfictionWe all have dreams growing up. Wether they be big dreams or small dreams. Sometimes both. We go through and follow some of these dreams, and other we forget about and just leave behind in the dust. Well, not me. I wanted to make this dream a reality...