Her nightmare pulsed into me, shaking me out of my own dream. Images tumbled through my mind: fire, blood, the smell of smoke, the twisted metal of a car. The pictures wrapped around me, suffocating me, until some rational part of my brain reminded me that this wasn't my dream.
I woke up, strands of long, black hair sticking to my forehead. The last words of the dying man still echoing thru my mind.
" Find her. Kayda. Your sister."
I was not sure at first what to make with those dreams. Until it started to happen while I was not asleep. I could feel her emotions, see her fears, hear her thoughts, sometimes I could even slip into her mind – which I find extremely disturbing, considering she might experience the same things-. That's why I tried my best to remain in control, keep my walls up.
I know she is looking for me, but I could never bring myself to make an appearance, corporal or not, for a while.
I got out of bed and went for a long, hot, calming shower. After what I believe to be an hour, the warmth of the water didn't appeal to me anymore, so I decided it's time to play grown ups again.
Our parents sent me away with an motive. From the moment they realized I'm being hunted because of my magic I was on the rode. So they faked my death and put an hybrid to hide me and train me, until it's safe for me to go out and about without having to be afraid I might die. That or until I am ready to fight them myself, which by Seraph's saying I ain't far.
Speaking of the witch. Well no that would actually be me, if we are speaking in human terms.
"What?" I shouted entering my room.
"It's time to move, honey."
"Be ready in 15 minutes."
I took out a black T-shirt and a pair of dark, grey jeans. Even if I did ripped them during one of my stunts, because 'you have to learn to do some things without magic'. After I got dressed I opened the window and cold air entered my room. Drying my hear was a boring process without magic. Hesitating for a moment, I started putting on some makeup. I didn't really need that much considering my parents were both vampires, I inherited some traits. Pale skin for example or the perfectly sculpted features. At least that's what Seraph said. And I can't exactly complain about incredibly fast reflexes and strength.
"Come. It's time."
I turned around at the women standing at my door, the kindness from her eyes being always present when she looked at me.
"I know"
My voice remain calm, not giving away any kind of emotion. Zipping my suitcase I observed the weather isn't that soft-hearted today and put on an leather jacket. It is spring after all.
"Let me take that" She said dragging my luggage of the bad, out in the small hall of our apartment with me in her footsteps.
She was about to open the door when all at once she turned around, her dark, now straight hair fell on the sides of her face.
" Don't you forget something?"
I looked at her with the same neutral expression I like to hold, not knowing what she meant. She rolled her eyes, but the ends of her lips lifted.
"Your shoes?"
I looked down at my feet and saw that my shoes were indeed missing. Without glancing back at her I went back in my room using my speed and put on my combat buts. When I came back she had the ' I disapprove' face, but went out at the car instead of starting another speech on ' magic and how to use it'. Without a second thought, once we were in the car, Seraph drove away far and fast.
When we finally entered Nebraska I found the courage to bring up a letter I found a week ago.
"I know. About your mother."
She looked at me with wide eyes from shock. It took her a moment to recover, turning her gaze back on the rode.
" I can handle myself for a few months."
"I might not come back until next year."
" Do you think I'm not prepared?"
"I know you are more than ready, my princess. I just don't want you to be alone"
" She is dying. I give you those months off, spend them with your mother. The letter was from a month ago, don't waste any more time. And I won't be alone."
"You brought us here on purpose, didn't you?"
"Yes. I should leave after you reunite with your family."
"Where will you go? Who will you stay with?"
"You no longer have to concern yourself with those things."
She took out my combat knife and Italian dagger and handed them to me. I placed one in my boot, covering the hilt with my jeans and the other at my back. My blades were both enchanted one of them was made just for the rippers- the vampires that gave up their humanity – a spell that was used on her stake, but how we didn't have another we were forced to become creative. Then when I got older I managed to put an spell on my other blade, one made to kill both what's alive and dead. Or in between. And I made it to respond only to my magic- meaning if somebody that's not me tried to use it, the dagger will destroy itself-.
"You raised, protect and trained me eleven years without a day off. I believe you deserve more than this."
I told her to reassure her that she is doing the right thing. She smiled at me with tears in her eyes, threatening to fall.
After two hours we pulled in front of a light blue house. She got out of the car and I followed her to the trunk were she took her suitcase. Seraph put an black bag in my hand her face showing she was serious and worried.
"You have cash. I also have a gun in there, but it's yours now. And you have your seventeen birthday present."
She was about to say something else, but she hugs me instead, realising me came hard for her.
"Where will you go?"
"South Dakota. But not for long."
She let a sigh escape her lips, her eyes scanning my face.
"Don't forget to feed once in a while. I know you prefer human food, but you are a vampire as much as you are a warlock."
I let an small smile at the term she used remembering how once I complained to her about how warlock sounds much better than a witch. She never used the word witch ever since.
"If you need me you know where I am. Do not hesitate to send for me."
"I won't. Until next time."
"Until then."
I watched her enter the house before I left. Destination? Meade, South Dakota. Reason? My sister is in danger and I helped her runaway with me. At least until I can figure out who is after her and kill them.

The protector
FantasyI took Richelle Mead's book Vampire Academy and twisted it at my own pleasure. The book it's based on it and I tried to keep some elements from it while creating something new. I hope you enjoy.K