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(TW~Implied smut)

"Don't be. I know you well enough too, you know." Virgil smiled softly as he looked away making Roman frown. Roman faltered as he finally took in the music surrounding them only to make him cringe in realization. It was orchestra. Well no. Not completely. But it did feature a violin as its main instrument. Roman's grip on his cup tightened as he tried to ignore the vision he had of him and the violin. "You're the type of guy you would, on death's door, drop everything to make sure I was ok. You being in that state still desperate to talk to me wasn't surprising. I just didn't like seeing you like that. I was afraid... I didn't know if you would wake up."

"I'm sorry." Roman whined as he forced himself to put his cup down before glancing over at the speaker beside him. "I never meant to scare you. I just... I couldn't lose you. I didn't know when I'd get the chance to talk to you again." Virgil noticed Roman's gaze and frowned in concern. "What song..."

"It's actually a song called Clock done by a group called Eklipse. I don't listen to instrumental or classical music often but... I do like it. I thought it would be more calming to wake up to then my usual alternative music."

"Maybe I should play you something then." Roman smiled softly as his fingers twitched and moved as if playing along. "Although I picked up my violin in years."

"You play the violin?" Roman frowned as he suddenly stopped and nodded with a sad look. "Did you not like it, or..."

"I loved it. Absolutely loved the violin. I couldn't get enough but... My father was very... He was a perfectionist. Where I wanted to just play and enjoy the music... he wanted a tool more my power." Virgil's eyes widened as Roman hummed softly making the soundwaves move about them like a song in the wind, forcing the air to shift and churn.


"Audiokinesis. The power to control and manipulate sound. Symphokinesis. The power to control and manipulate music. I can take sound and give it energy and form. I can use it to make the sound around me louder or quieter. I can use it as a destructive force or as a shield. It all depends on my will. I can even do echolocation with it. I can also use the echolocation to find out injuries in the body. Don't ask me how I know that. I just can." Roman's smiled fell as his eyes filled with tears. "My father wanted me to use something to channel this power. Said if I could control the sound around me then using the music I create to boost and control my power should be no different." Roman couldn't help but laugh. "Ironically I'm a literal Vanya Hargreaves. How funny is that? Got the white violin and everything. Although mine is white with gold accents."

"What made you stop playing than if you loved it so much?"

"Precisely that, Virgil." Roman's eyes were filled with such sadness as he shook his head. "I can play any instrument you give me. And that isn't me boasting... I have an innate ability to play any and all instruments I get my hands on. I just know how sound works. How to make it move... how to give it life... My father used that and had me learn every instrument he could find to mastery. Violin was just the one we both latched onto the most. He pushed and pushed and pushed. When Father left the one expensive thing he didn't take was that violin. I found it under my bed. Knowing he left it... I just couldn't bring myself to use it." Roman took a deep breath as he looked Virgil right in the eyes. "My father's a villain Virgil." Virgil visibly faltered as Roman smiled sadly. "I'm the only of us who knew. He was grooming me to be like him." Roman shook his head as he laughed. "I never want to be like him. So knowing he left that for me, I couldn't even look at it. To me it was an outlet... to him it was a weapon. I just..."

"It's ok, Roman." Virgil quickly took the other's hand as Roman started to cry. "It's ok. You don't have to tell me."

"I do though." Roman swallowed up his fear as he moved to hold Virgil's hand tightly clearly showing his desperation. "I needed you to know this so... So you can trust me more. I know it's not easy for you to share things about yourself but I hope knowing more about me will help."

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