Night of 9/15/2020

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First, we'll need a little context for the dream. I start going to school in person tomorrow (9/17). My school is doing a hybrid system, where I'm in school for two days and at home for three. My cohort will be in school on Thursday and Friday, and the other cohort on Monday and Tuesday. The cohorts are decided by last name. Dorito's last name falls into the Monday-Tuesday cohort and my last name falls into the other one. Yes, this means I don't have any classes with him again, but that's a story for Thoughts, not Dreams. Anyways, on with the dream.

It was the first day of school, and I was walking in with my mask on. I noticed that everyone else wasn't wearing their mask, so I got really confused. Before I could ask people why, I looked at my schedule and realized that I had no classes, so I went up to the front desk, where this lady pulled off my mask.

I asked her about why I didn't have any classes and she took my schedule and went away. Later, she came back and gave me my classes, except they were all A level. I didn't have a single honors class. On my actual schedule, the only classes that aren't honors are PE and Health (which there isn't honors for), so seeing the regular classes gave me a shock, since I knew that I was supposed to have honors classes.

Naturally, I started to cry in my dream. I thought the dream was real, and I was worried about my GPA dropping, my parents being mad at me for not having honors classes, people judging me, etc. Then, one of my friends who was with me at the front desk walked away because she noticed Dorito walking by. She dragged him over and told him to comfort me. I was confused because we weren't supposed to be in school on the same days, but then he just hugged me. And it felt really nice.

At this point, I realized that it was all just a dream, and I vividly remember saying, "I know this is a dream, but I don't want this to end," and we just kept hugging each other. And that's the last thing that happened before I woke up, feeling happy for once, before my heart was crushed by reality.

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