Heart Breaker - Chapter 19

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I felt tears still falling down my face as i waited outside of a taxi. I wasn't bothering taking the rental car back, Harry would find it and bring it back. Cause he was so perfect that way. I closed my eyes and gripped my suitcase tighter in my hands. A taxi pulled up then and i leaned in the window.

"Airport," He nodded and i walked to the trunk and put my suitcase in it and slammed it shut. I walked back around and opened the door. The hotel door opened then,

"SAM WAIT!" I sighed and turned around. Harry was running out towards me. His curls blowing to the right because of the wind. I saw the pain in his green eyes and saw the start of tears and tried with all my might not to turn away.

"What do you want Styles?" I spat. He stopped in front of me and looked me right in the eye.

"Sam, i didn't mean what i said, im sorry, i just....i don't know, i just want to do stuff for you all the time cause I've never been so happy with anyone else," He finished.

"Miss, we have to go," I bent down and looked at the cab driver,

"One sec please, I'll even pay you extra," He nodded and turned back around. I looked back at Harry. I could see the truth in his eyes. But i wasn't falling for that again. I sighed and shook my head, feeling more tears form.

"Harry..." He gripped my arms and i looked up at him. I could see his own tears forming.

"Please Sam," He whispered. I bite my bottom lip and looked back at him. He was begging me. But i couldn't stay anyway, i had my final exam tomorrow. And...i just didn't want to make him mad again, i didn't want to see that part of him again, it scared me.  It made me want to run into a corner and hide. I shook my head as the tears spilled over and i climbed in the cab and closed the door. The cabby looked back at me and i nodded. He pulled away from the curb. I glanced up and saw Harry standing there. Watching me. I could see the pain and guilt in his eyes, i wanted to hop out and wrap him in my arms and tell him i was sorry, but he had been the one to get mad, he had been the one who had said he didn't love me. I wasn't  I turned away as the cab pulled into the lane and let the tears fall all the way. I loved that boy with all my heart. But i just couldn't do it any more  I was going to drag him down, hurt him, and that was the last thing i wanted to do, also it was going to be so hard to stay together when he was across the world all the time. Once at the airport i paid the guy, extra for waiting and walked in. I got my ticket and walked to my gate. Carrie was sitting there. She stood up when she saw me and gaped at me. I know she could see the red rim around my eyes. I walked over and she opened her arms and i went into them. She hugged me tightly and patted my back and i couldn't help but cry again. After i was sure i was done, we sat down and waited for our plane to be called. Once it was i stood up. Carrie was ahead of me. I heard running footsteps and turned. Louis, Zayn, Liam, Eleanor, Danielle (yes they got back together) and Niall came running through the gate ways. I smiled and Louis ran forward and hugged my tightly. I hugged him back. Zayn ran forward with Liam and they both wrapped their arms around my and Louis and i laughed. They all kissed my on the cheek and moved onto Carrie. I hugged Eleanor and Danielle tightly.

"Stay safe," Eleanor said, when i pulled back. I nodded and she moved hair from my face and looked at my red rimmed eyes.

"Harry," I sighed and nodded. She hugged my again.

"It'll be OK  he'll realize what he lost," I smiled, she always made me feel good about myself. I hugged her tightly and back up. I waved at them as we started to leave. I showed the lady my ticket and she moved me along. I walked onto the plane and sat beside Carrie. I asked if i could have the window seat, so i could look at the airport window and see if they were looking through the window. I sat down and looked out the window and almost passed out. I didn't take my eyes away from the window as we started pulling away. It wasn't them at the window. it was curly hair boy, his hand pressed up against the window. Watching me, just as i was watching him. I turned and let a tear fall. It was best for us both. I closed my eyes....right?

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