Dean was putting his school things in his locker and getting ready to leave when Castiel approached him. "Hello, Dean.." Cas said.
Dean smiled, "Hey, Cas."
"So uh, do you remember that guy I told you about a couple of weeks ago? The- the one I had said I liked?" Cas said nervously.
"Yeah," Dean said, turning his head so he could look Cas in the eyes.
"Well I uh- I asked him out..." Cas said.
"Oh- well what did he say?" Dean said.
"He uh- he said yes." Cas said, faintly smiling. "We're uh gonna hang out at his house, so you don't need to take me home today."
Dean's heart fell a bit. "Oh- okay. Well I'll uh- I'll call you later."
"Maybe uh... maybe don't. I don't really know what time I'll be getting home. I'll text you later, though.." Cas said. He half-heartedly smiled at Dean then walked off.
Dean walked out to his car to see his brother already waiting for him. "Hey, Sammy, how was your day?" he said while walking to the drivers side of the car to get in.
"It's Sam, and it was okay. There was a pretty difficult test in my math class today, but I think I did okay on it." Sam replied as he was getting into the car.
"Well that's good, Sammy." Dean replied, smiling. He put on a Zeppelin cassette and pulled out of his parking spot to drive home.
Dean was laying on bed on his phone scrolling through social media when he got a text from Cas.
Asstiel: hey dean, sorry for taking so long to get back to you, we lost track of time so i'm staying at his house tonight.
Asstiel: you're probably asleep now so i don't expect you to respond but i just wanted you to know i'm okay.
Asstiel: i'll call you tomorrow when i get home to tell you about it.
Dean didn't answer Cas' texts, but he smiled upon seeing them. He was happy that his best friend was having a good time with the guy he likes, but he also felt a pit in his stomach and he couldn't quite figure out why.
He checked the time on his phone, 12:37am. He decided to go to sleep rather than think about it anymore.
Dean was jolted awake by his phone ringing at 9:30 in the morning. He knew it would probably be Cas but he checked the caller ID anyway. Just as he thought, it was Cas (or well the caller ID read as "Asstiel" because that's how Dean had Cas saved in his phone).
"Heya Cas," Dean said cheerily despite just waking up. "Did ya get home safe?"
"Yes, I did, Dean." Cas said. Dean could tell he was smiling on the other end of the line.
"Soo, how was your sleepover?" Dean asked. He slightly cringed at himself for saying it like that.
"I think it went well, I had a lot of fun and he asked me out for lunch tomorrow." Cas replied.
Dean felt the pit in his stomach start to form again. "That's great, buddy." He said half-heartedly.
"Is something wrong, Dean?" Cas asked.
"Hm? Oh no, I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night, y'know?" Dean lied. Or, well half lied. He didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but it was because he spent most of the time thinking rather than trying to sleep.
"Oh well I hope you get sufficient rest soon." Cas said.
"Yeah okay, mom." Dean replied jokingly, smiling again. "I'll talk to you later, Cas."
"Bye, Dean." Cas said. And with that the call ended.
Dean sighed and got up to shower. He started thinking. Thinking about why he all of a sudden got a pit in his stomach when Cas would talk about the guy he liked, mainly. He knew he liked guys (though no one else knew that), but he had never really seen Cas like that -- or at least he thought he'd never thought like that..
The more he started to think about it the more his head began to hurt, so he tried to think about something else.
After he was done showering he thought for a second on whether or not to go downstairs to get something to eat. He contemplated for a second and decided against it, flopping onto the bed.
He went through social media for a bit and decided to try and go back to sleep.
Dean was jolted awake again by Sam quietly knocking on his bedroom door. "Dean, it's 2:30, you have to get up."
"Fine," Dean replied. He sat up and checked his phone and saw he had a few of messages from Cas.
Asstiel: hey dean, would it be cool for me to come over later, maybe around three?
Asstiel: respond when you can, no rush.
Hey Cas, sorry for responding so late. Yea you can come over.
Cas responded a lot quicker than Dean had anticipated.
Asstiel: alright, see you then :)
Dean smiled. He stood up and pocketed his phone. He walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. He looked around in his fridge for a bit and settled on eating some cold leftover pizza.
As soon as he sat on the couch in his living room he heard a knock on the door. He checked the time on his phone. Three o'clock exactly. He smiled and got up to open the door.
Dean opened the door. "Hello, Dean." Cas said.
"Heya, Cas." Dean said, smiling.
They walked up to Dean's room. Dean opened the door and gestured for Cas to walk in, then he followed behind.
"So Dean, how's your day been so far?" Cas asked as he sat on Dean's bed.
"Eh, pretty slow honestly. I've spent most of it asleep." He chuckled. "How about you, Cas? Been talking to Matthew?" Dean felt weird saying his name, he didn't understand why.
"Yeah, actually," Cas said smiling. "I uh- I really like him.."
"I know you do, buddy." Dean said, "So, you gonna ask him to be your boyfriend or something?"
"Dean, I've only been on one date with him, I think it's too soon for that.." Cas said, looking down.
"But you want to, though. Right?"
Cas thought for a moment. "Yes, I think I do.."
"And you think he likes you back?" Dean said.
"Well I would imagine." Cas replied.
Dean smiled and hit Cas' back playfully. "Well then you should go for it!"
Cas smiled. "Thanks, Dean.. for being supportive."
"Of course, Cas. I'm always here for you, you're my best friend." Saying that last part felt like venom on Dean's tongue.
Cas checked the time on his phone. "Shit. I have to go, Dean. I'm sorry, you know how my family is. I- I'll call you later." He said as he was walking toward Dean's door.
"Bye, Cas." Dean said.
Dean heard Cas walk out the front door of the house and fell back on his bed. He had a lot to think about.
a/n- heyy so uhh this is my first time writing in like a while so uh is this any good ?? i mean i think it is so,, anyway. thanks 4 reading this far and i hope you all have a good day/night :-)

third wheel - destiel au
Fanfictiondean and cas are best friends. they're inseparable.. that is until cas gets a boyfriend, that is. this makes dean start to question how he views cas and it makes him wonder if they could ever be more than just friends.