Truths and lies

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Kokichi: Okay guys we will play my favorite game but in my version

Ichimatsu: How?

Kokichi: 3 truths and 3 lies you know 3 blue truth bullets and 3 pink purplish lie perjury bullets each people will go randomly in any order and say 6 things but guess 3 lies

Lucy: Huh?

Osomatsu: Wow

Shishimatsu: Welp i'm dead

Otsumatsu: Me to

Monokuma: Me also

Tsukasa: I can't lie....

Cinderella: Nah

Snow white: No....

Sleeping beauty: .....

Kokichi: Now the loser is the person that let everyone guess their lies and will face punishment

Jyushimatsu: What kind?

Kokichi: Any you guys can think of

Karumamatsu: Yes!

Todomatsu: Finally!

Ichimatsu: Good

Choromatsu: This is bad....

Kokichi: Well let's begin!

Osomatsu: Who is going first?

Todomatsu: Me!

Byakuya: We are doom

Himiko: Yeah

Todomatsu: Okay 1 is i don't use beauty treatments all the time

Osomatsu and Ichimatsu: Ha!

Otsumatsu: Wow

Todomatsu: 2...i'm not afraid of the dark....

Karumamatsu: Bullshit!

Choromatsu: Yeag

Todomatsu: Hush *clear his throat* 3 is i want to kill all of my brothers and 4 is i'm the first one to get a smartphone

Osomatsu: ....

Karamatsu: ....

Choromatsu: ......

Ichimatsu: .....

Jyushimatsu: ....

Tsukasa: Oh!

Hanako: Next!

Todomatsu: 5 uh...i'm terrible in hair and makeup...and 6 is i love myself more than anyone

Kokichi: Wow! Which 3 is the lie?!

Osomatsu: 1,2, and 5?

Todomatsu: I'm great in makeup and hair!

Ichimatsu: So close

Toramatsu: Yay Totty!

Todomatsu: Ha!

Karumamatsu: Damn....

Kokichi: Okay who's next?

Osomatsu: Oh me!

Monokuma: This is going to be good

Osomatsu: Well 1 is i have a gambling and betting problem and 2 first kiss is with a man....

Shuichi: Huh?

Kokichi: What's number 2 again?

Lucy: .....

Tsukasa: ....

Hanako: ....

Osomatsu: Uh...

Ichimatsu: *leans* number 3

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Osomatsu: Number 3 is i'm a ballerina

Lucy: Lovely!

Osomatsu: Thank you and 4 um....i didn't almost die by a curse from evil spirits.....

Kuchimatsu and Kyoromatsu: *glares* .....

Kokichi: Huh?

Osomatsu: Hm...5...never in my life....that i get scare by anything and anyone....

Ichimatsu: Boi

Choromatsu: Seriously

Karamatsu: Uh....

Osomatsu: I'm not done yet

Kokichi: Please wait for the last one

Ichimatsu: .....

Choromatsu: ...

Karamatsu: .....

Kokichi: Good now the last one

Osomatsu: 6...i don't crossdress...

Shuichi: *stares* hm?

Lucy: Uh...

Ichimatsu: Wow

Kokichi: Now guessing time!

Shuichi: He never kiss a man before and don't crossdress

Himiko: He doesn't gamble even do ballet...

Osomatsu:'s true...

Himiko: ....

Shuichi: .....

Kokichi: No fucking way

Monokuma: No way

Osomatsu: Yeah

Kokichi: But tell us and everyone how does it feel when your first kiss with man?

Osomatsu: Uh....

Ichimatsu: Oh please do tell

Shuichi: .....

Himiko: ....

Lucy: .....

Tsukasa: ....

Hanako: .....

Osomatsu: Um...force...and uh...make me literally sick....also to much tongue and i was violated in the front of my brothers and from my brother....

Kokichi: Eh?

Ichimatsu: That's me

Kokichi: Whoa!

Himiko: Oh my god

Shuichi: Uh....

Osomatsu: Yeah....

Shuichi: What about the spirits?

Osomatsu: Uh...

Kuchimatsu: Long story

Kyoromatsu: And traumatic

Karamatsu: Yeah

Cinderella: Is it that bad?

Lucy: Yeah

Kokichi: Wow! Next!

Shishimatsu: Me!

Toramatsu: I'm telling Shiru and Shoro about some stuff you will tell us

Tsukasa: Yeah

Shishimatsu: Please don't um....1...i steal some of Shoronya and Shiru's sweets even snack....

Everyone: Ooooooo

Shishimatsu: 2....i put some embarrassing stuff on Shoronya when he is sleeping....and i show it to Shiru....

Osomatsu-san Truth or Dare Part 2Where stories live. Discover now