Dinner Time

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Tris POV:

"Where shall we sit?"

Looking around the only free seats available are on Four's table. After taking their seats Tris picked up a hamburger with her fork and looked at it curiously.

"Have you never seen a hamburger before?" Christina asked her new friend. "No, I...I've seen one, I just have never eaten one." Tris explained. "In Abnegation you plant food, plant based diet without sauce and minimum seasoning." Will the former Erudite across from them explained.

"Which text book did you swallow?" Christina sassed. Will laughed. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Will. Erudite." "Of course you are." She quipped. "No offense, but I'm surprised Abnegation even eats at all. Too selfish, right? No wonder you left." Christina locked.

"You gotta be pretty self-confident to be friends with a Candor." Will mused. "What is that supposed to mean?" Christina snapped back. "You have no filter. You say the first thing that comes into your head."

"Like you're an idiot?" Al, another former Candor, snickered. The whole group had to laugh at that. "Nice one, Al. Well, at least we tell the truth." "Erudites can tell the truth cause we have the facts." Will fought back.

"I don't wanna hear about your old factions. You're Dauntless now." Four said venomously tired of hearing their stories. "Were you a transfer too or Dauntless born?" This asked Four shocking him.

"Are you kidding?" He asked incredulously. "No." Trina said cautiously. "What makes you think you can talk to me?" He asked amazed at her bravery or recklessness.

"It...must be because you're so approachable." Her answer had Four keeping his lips from twitching up. It was a very Dauntless answer but she was showing disrespect to a trainer. He was at a loss of how to deal with it so just turned back to his food ignoring her.

Christina chuckled and Tris carried on eating
"You, my friend, have a death wish." Christina grinned. "You know he was first in his class. They tried to recruit him for leadership twice, but he said no. That's when..." Will was informing them.

Before he could finish the canteen went quiet by the entrance and followed the couple that had just walked in. "What's their story?" Tris whispered to the group. They watched as the silver haired woman bounced around the pierced tattooed giant.

Will sighed putting his head down on the table as the talking resumed before answering. "That's Nilsa and Eric Coulter. Eric was the youngest leader in Dauntless history until Nilsa." He started. Four interrupted their story telling.

"All you need to know about Eric and Nilsa is to stay out of their way and follow directions." Four said looking between them to make sure they understood how serious he was.

Tris looked up to the balcony where the leaders now lined up. Dauntless leader, Max, addressed the crowd. "Initiates, stand." Max said simply, authority laced in his words.

All the initiates, including Tris, stood immediately. "You have chosen to join the warrior faction tasked with the defense of this city and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery and the courage that raises one person to stand up for another." He paused a moment for effect of the next words.

"Respect that. Do us proud." He finished.

Dauntless cheered lifting the initiates up and passing them around. The initiates laughing and having a great time crowd surfing as a welcome before they started training.

Tomorrow they wouldn't be laughing anymore.


Short so training can be it's own chapter. Let me know if you enjoy Nilsa and Eric so far.

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