The Truth Revealed

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4 mouths had past and Sonic and Shadow had gotten used to being werewolves. Every night they would go for a run in the forest. The only time they would not go is on the full moon. They would try and get as far away as possible from the city and their friends.

On a full moon it would hurt them so much because the moon is pushing the wolf out, while when it was just a normal night Sonic and Shadow are just letting the wolf out so that doesn’t hurt them as much.

It was the day before the full moon and Sonic and his friends were just watching the news on the TV. All it said was that the werewolves seemed to vanish. Sonic and Shadow smiled at each other. That was when a big bang on the door came. Sonic went to answer it while his friends watched him. When he opened it like a 100 reporters came running in.

"HIT THE DECK" Sonic shouted while jumping over the sofa where his friends were.

"What do they want" Shadow asked sounding pissed.

"I don’t know." "Maybe it’s because we haven’t been saving people I mean how can we?" "We’re the ones that’s doing it every full moon."

What Sonic and Shadow didn’t know was that everyone just heard what they had just said. And on live TV too.

"Errr guys you do know that everyone just heard that right" said Tails in between the two hedgehogs. 

Sonic and Shadow stopped and started.

"Oh crud" said Sonic to himself.

All the news reports stopped and started at the two hedgehogs. Then the police came running in.

"You four you are under arrest" one of the police told Sonic and friends.

"Oh crap what are we supposed to do now?" Knuckles asked.

"We go silently."

"Wait what, Sonic have you lost it?" Knuckles asked shocked.

"Yeah Sonic have you? Shadow asked his companion.

Sonic didn’t answer his friends. He just told the police officer. "We surrender."

"What you’re not going to run?" the man asked confused.

"No you got us fair and square" Sonic said while putting his hands out for the man to take.

"Ok then, come along silently with your hands behind your heads." 


Today on the news Sonic the hedgehog has been arrested along with Knuckles the echidna, Tails the fox and Shadow the hedgehog because they have been found out to be the werewolves going around destroying people. And now with the weather.

Sonic was watching the news from his cell he was in. He and Shadow were in one cell and Knuckles and Tails were in the other.

A man came along and unlocked Tails and Knuckles cell.

"Hey where are you taking them?" Sonic asked.  

"Oh just to get a painful look at what monsters you really are" said the man making Sonic growled at this.

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other worriedly.

"Please sir don’t make Sonic angry" said the little fox.

"Oh and what is he going to do when he’s behind bars and I’m out hear?"

"You don’t want to bring that up" said Shadow who was sitting on the bed with his arms folded lying against the wall.

"And whys that?" The man said with an evil smile.  

No sooner had the cop said that he felt something grabbed him by his shirt and pull him up against the bars. It was Sonic with now golden eyes.

"Are you sure you still want to have a painful look" he said in a deep growl.

The cop was freaked at what he saw but then shouted to the other cops. They ran up to him and tried to get him out of Sonic’s firm grip.

"Sonic stop it" Tails shouted. His big brother didn’t listen and carried on crushing the cop’s body. Shadow grabbed Sonic from behind and pulled him away.

"SONIC CALM DOWN!" The black hedgehog had the blue hedgehog in a head lock. The now confused Sonic looked around and saw what he had just done. His eyes turned back to their normal emerald green. Shadow let him go because he knew he had stopped trying to break free from the head lock.

"You’re a frisking animal" said the cop who was struggling to breath.

For the rest of the day Sonic sat in the corner of the cell feeling so lost and scared. Shadow was at the front of the cell talking to Knuckles and Tails. They were starting to get really worried about their blue friend.

Then a police officer came and gave them their dinner. She had blond hair and blue sea eyes. She was always nice to Sonic and his friends and didn’t believe that they would hurt anyone on purpose. Her name was Rose.

"Here, I’m sorry about Rick we were never going to hurt you guys, we just wanted some info about you guys, ya know problem" said Rose while sliding the food traces underneath the cell doors. "Rick was never a nice cop but that’s because he never found his brother."

"What, what happened to him if you don’t mind me asking?" Tails asked while taking his plate.

"No it’s fine Tails" said Rose with a small smile. "He lost his brother when they were walking through the forest one night coming back from their friends place." "They got attacked by some kind of?"


Everyone looked over and saw Sonic listen to the conversation too but still had his back to them.

"Yes" said Rose sadly. 

"Heh that figures" said Sonic quietly.

"So when was that?" Tails asked.

"About 20 years ago."

"Wait so there’s been attacks before" Shadow asked while looking up at Rose.

"Yes" said Rose looking over at the black and red hedgehog.

No one noticed but Sonic’s ear twitch when he heard about attacks before.

"So how did they stop?" Shadow asked.

"Well no one knows for serpent but we think that something drove them off." Sonic froze and then the police officer that stopped him and Shadow a couple mouths before flicked in his mind.

"It was him" he said quietly but loud enough for everyone to look over at him.

"Who was what Sonic?" Tails asked his big brother. Sonic shook his head and then looked over to everyone.

"Err nothing." 

 To be Continued

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