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I get inside our hotel suite and all the guys are there excluding bonga, they are talking softly but get silent when they see me. I look at all of them and some look shocked and shaken. I stand in the middle of the room and look at each and everyone of them in the eye.

Me:“ I want to thank you for a job well done guys, you did great and you saved the women and children today and we have saved their lives for the better and now we will return them to their families. You should be proud of yourselves for the job well done and you get something a little bit extra in your bank accounts before the day ends but remember what happened here, stays here guys ” they nod.

Sbu:“ you can leave now, well take it from here but jama you’ll stay behind ” they nod and leave.

Me:“ how many women and children were there? ”

Sbu:“  four women, four teenagers and five kids, the two rooms. I wanted to divide them they absolutely refused and they are afraid that they are going to be sold again ”

Me:“ yeah it makes sense but how are they doing now that they are out of that house? ”

Him:“ man they are still scared and it’s going to take them long to trust men and be out in the public ”

Me:“ I don’t blame them, who’s guarding them? ”

Him:“jama's right hand man ”

Me:“ ok, I’m just glad that they all safe and will return to their families ”

Him:“ man they are going to need lots and lots of therapy especially the little ones… . Man I’m so mad I want to fucken kill someone! ”

Me:“ you’ll get a piece of the sniper and take it out on him ”

Him:“ you found him”

Me:“ yeah, I set a trap for him and now scelo has him ”

Him:“ damn brother, you don’t waste time ”

Me:“ nobody messes with my family and gets away with it, Percy tell me what the fuck is going on between you and that woman ”

Percy:“ boss… uhm the first time I saw her we clicked, I felt something for her but I didn’t show it and I was just as surprised as you when she threw herself at me and hugged me ”

Me:“ nothing happens between the two of you before that? ”

Percy:“ I swear boss, nothing happened ”

Me:“ I’m going to tell this for your own good, if you are going to pursue a relationship with her know that she will always know what happened to her husband. You will be that constant reminder especially when she looks at her kids and when they asked her who killed their father and why, obviously you didn’t I did but when you guys argue one day she might use that against you and that is very dangerous. I will not hesitate to kill her if I even suspect that she might be up to something, I’ll protect my family Percy and you are my family so you better be sure if it’s her you really want ”.

Percy:“ I hear you boss and I’ll think about it ”

Sbu:“ you’re fucken crazy if you think you can build something with that woman, we don’t need her in our lives cause she’s going to be a constant reminder and what happens when she meets luh and luh finds out that she’s the wife of the man who wanted her as his slave… Come on brother think about that! ”

Me:“ she’ll be mad at me and I can’t handle that, I can’t lie to her. Look Percy I know she’s innocent in all of this cause she too was his victim but I can’t have her around luh ”