Oikawa POV
"We will have this conversation again after you giving your all and fight your hardest agains those people you deemed jeniuses, boy." Jose blanco end the topic.
i've been looking up to him fo years and just recently, thank to my coach, i am able to meet him in person again. He counsel me about certain issue i've been struggling with. I mean how can an average human being like me can ever fight with those with natural born jenius and inhuman talent. I've been working my ass off since middle school to bet a certain someone yet i haven't manage to win any match agains him.
should i give up volleyball?
i know deep down i can never giving it up. It's part oof me,my identity, yet somehow i never manage to achieve great things in it. I couldn't help the team to go to national. Not once.
"Hai Blanco-san. Thank you for your time and advice." I stand and bow, ready to go leave back to miyagi. I've wake up super early in the morning to take train so that i can visit Jose blaco in in tokyo from miyagi. Today is the only free day i got before he tight practice schedule for the upcoming tournament.
just before Blanco-san can response my stomach growled.
this is embarrasing
I am glad iwa-chan is not around to see me embarrasing my self in front of my idol. He will never let this go.
Blaco-san let out a chuckle."ahaha, actually, i am about to have lunch with my wife and her friend. Do you mind to come along? I always become the third wheel when those two meet."
"I-" I hesitate.
"Oh come on, we can talk about some setting trick during their girl talk."
"Alright blanco-san, if you insist."
I follow him from the coffee shop to the parking area and hop in to his black BMW car. In less than twenty minutes we arrived at a office building that was the redaction office of-
"Japan Sport Mag, my wife is head editor here." Jose Blanco said proudly.
"wow, i didn't know. Our team have subscription over the magazine and we fought constantly every month to read it first. And they always publsh a lot of volleybll news by the this time of the year. It's always my dream to be featured in the news one day." I said excitedly.
we get inside and the woman in front desk greet jose who seems to come here a lot and direct us the office.
Before we get in I heard a girl voice in a strange definitely non japanesse accent. Altough it surely not the same as blanco's accent it's clear for me that who ever speaking before is not a japanesse native.
"who is cute?" Jose get in before me, and considering he doesn't invite me in, i stayed outside.
they talk for a while about something godmother something a laugh and i am standing awkwardly in the corridor. jose quetioned gain about the cute guy they are talking about.
"Just this guy from team that i supposed to interview,ao-ao Aoba Johsai" the strange accent voice speaks again.
Wait, that's my almamater, my team, and interview? Who is this girl?
"which one?" Jose asked.
"the one in number 11," she answer almost inaudibly from the outside.
Ah, that's my number. Glad to know that even the stranger found me attractive. Somehow i feel my face redden a little. Not like this is the first time i heard people compliment My look of course, i have bunch of girl that follow me and flatter me in every match or schoool. I got used to it. But the way this stranger talks just so cute , calm and unfamiliar. Ilike it
"ah, that will be the setter, what is s cute about him?" Jose asked again.
"his smile is cute and his hair is gorgeous. I mean look at him?"
"ah what a coincidence. You hear that oikawa? Your smile is cute and your hair is gorgeous." Jose call me."get inside , boy."
I get in and I see Jose standing next to Mito Blanco, that i've meet but never talked too directly before, sitting in a big main chair, another woman in a officelook that is somehow so familiar eventhough i can not remember where i see her. And a girl In glasses that i asume is the one with the strange accent.
she looked at me as if in horror-hey that's not cool, i am not ugly, or scary like iwa-chan when he is angry. She just compliment my hair and smile. Why would she not look happy to see me now.
the women start laughing and even Jose chuckles.
" Hi, I am oikawa." I introduce my self.
"Hi oikawa,it's been a while." Mito greet me."Jose didn't tell me you're coming but I am glad you can have lunch with us. The more the merrier, right?"
"Thank you Blanco-san" i give her my polite smile that works like charm to every woman i've met.
"Oh, this is Nishinoya Rokuda. You know her from the talkshow she is hosting right?" Mito Blaco point at the other woman earlier. She look at the same age as her. But they looked so contrast agains each other, Mito looks so energetic and radiancing spirit while this woman is soo calm and elegant.
Wait, I know her, She is the host of "reveal with rokuda". A programs that talk alot about social issue and always invite high calliber sources. Wow, iwa-chan is a big fan of her.
"Nice to meet you, nishinoya-san." I bow a little. "My best friend is a huge fan of you. And oh my, can I have your autograph for him?" I fail to keep my composure. I mean this women is in the other level.
"the pleasure is mine,Oikawa-kun." Nishinoya-san smile grcefully.
I tried to get anything from my bag, paper and pen, but i couldn't find any. Yet the girl give nishinoya a pen and her binder.
"what is your friend's name, oikawa-kun?" Nishinoya-san asks.
"Iwa-cha Iwaizumi hajime." I replied
she write things down and give te paper and pen to me.
"Thank you Nishinoya-san."
I feel somebody eyes is glaring at me. Or more like glaring at the pen i hold. The strange accent girl.
"Sorry," i give the pen back to the owner.
"no biggie." She accept the pen.
"What's with you nishinoyas and possesiveness over pen?" Mito laugh again. "I remember borrowing a pen from roku and lose it, then she doesn't talk to me for two weeks when we were in primary school."
everyone smile again. Well, mito laugh and positivity is so dangerously contagious.
"This is Intan, my intern." Mito intrduce the girl.
intern? She looks younger than me, although the way she dress up resemblance nishinoya rokuda, plain and simple, softgrey sweater that shows her white shirt collar and dark grey trousers that warp her legs nicely. Her hair is black and being styled in a low tidy bun with some loose part framing her face. Then I notice how she is really curvy in some parts of her body. Not that she is very fat. It's just surrounded by so many petite fangirls that it's not usual for me to see a girl to see curvier one.
"h-hi, nice to meet you oikawa san." Intan finally greet me.
her voice, she is just a girl, and i am sure she is younger than me so how does she get to be an intern here? And did mito-san just call her nishinoya earlier?
"Yeah nishinoya chan." I call her and in a microsecond she stunned before she give her smile.
"Actually it's just intan, having surname is not so common in where i was born, and grow up. Instead we have long given name. I am Intan Kirana Maharani. But please call me Intan." She explain calmly with a smile.
"Intan-chan is it then? Your name sounds beautiful by the way" I said, and oh so satisfying blush appear in her complexion that i've just notice have more pigment than common japanesse folks.
"Now, about the lunch. I have a very special place that suit this ocassion." Mito cheered.

Passion ( oikawaxoc xiwaizumixoc) haikyuu
Fanfiction" I want I want to love you simply In words not spoken: Tinder to the flame which transforms it to ash I want to love you simply In signs not expressed: Clouds to the rain which makes them evanesce" by sapardi djoko damono That was her favorite poem...