⑧⑤. Overnight

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Type: Fluff

Prompt: Y/n and y/bf spend their first night together

Word Count: 845

Sorry if this sucks I just kinda came up with dialogue and ideas as I wrote ...


"Here we are!" Your boyfriend smiled, opening the door to his familiar bedroom.

"Wow, I've never been in here before," you teased, holding your overnight bag.

"I know, it's pretty cool."

"Where should I put my bag?" You asked, feeling a bit anxious. You were more than comfortable being at his house and in his room, as you'd been there plenty of times. However, this was the first night you'd be spending together, which made you a little nervous.

"You can set it wherever you like, my room is your room," he assured, pecking your cheek.

Smiling in response, you gently set your belongings on his bed, sitting down a tad awkwardly.

"No need to be shy; this is your room too. Let loose," your boyfriend chuckled, collapsing on top of you.

"Ok, ok, you can get off me now. You're squishing me," you grumbled, struggling under his weight.

"No. You're comfy," he argued, nuzzling his face into your chest.

"I know, I know, I can't help it."

"Good. Because it's my favorite."

You sighed playfully, rolling your eyes. Jokingly, you snuck your hand down to his back pocket, tightly squeezing. Startled, he jumped, looking annoyed as he glanced up at you.

"Excuse me, y/n. That's inappropriate," he scoffed, pulling his hand from your pocket.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," you defended.

"I know I've got more cake than you, but that doesn't mean you can grab it; that's my job."

"You didn't need to insult me like that," you pouted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," he apologized, squeezing your arm.

Unconvinced, you raised your eyebrow, squinting down at your boyfriend.
After lounging around for an hour or so, the sun began to sink below the horizon, and the sky grew dark.

"It's getting late. Shall we get ready for bed?" Your boyfriend proposed.

"Yeah, I'm getting sleepy," you admitted, stretching out your limbs.

Without warning, your boyfriend quickly sat up, grasping your hand to help you stand. Upon standing, he laid his head in the crook of your neck, lazily slinging his arms around your lower torso.
You softly laughed, running your hand through his hair as you both gently swayed.

"Mm, you're so pretty," he sweetly mumbled, kissing the exposed skin on your neck.

"Oh, you're too sweet."

"Just honest," he remarked, lifting his head up to meet your gaze.

"Let's get ready for bed," you yawned, your boyfriend releasing you from his embrace.

You lazily trudged over to his closet and began digging through his drawers. Following his lead, you unzipped your bag, feeling a tiny bit of panic as you couldn't find your sleep shirt.

"Shoot," you mumbled to yourself, roughly digging through your bag.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot my shirt. I swear I packed it," you growled, continuing to look for it to no avail.

"Mmhm. 'Forgot,'" he smirked, using air quotes.

"Oh, shut up," you blushed, finally giving up your search.

"Here, you can wear one of mine."

Within seconds, your boyfriend approached you, pulling his oversized shirt over your head.

"There you are, ma'am."

"Why, thank you, sir. You know I could've put it on myself."

"Shhh, just let me take care of you," he hushed, cupping your face in his hands.

Softly, you removed your hands in small circular motions, dispersing the product equally across his face. As you massaged his face, he contently sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into your touch.

"What're you doing?" You questioned, teasingly scoffing at his behavior.

"Nothing, just enjoying your touch," he admitted, not bothering to open his eyes.

"You're so weird."

"Not as weird as you, weirdo," he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Upon finishing your beauty routine, you both found your way back into his room, taking your place on his bed.

"Where do you want me to sleep?" You questioned, not wanting to assume he'd offer you the bed.

"My bed, where else, silly?" he joked, poking at your sides.

"I'm just making sure; don't want to assume anything."

"What do you mean? You're my girlfriend, y/n, what's mine is yours, and where I sleep, you sleep too."

"I just didn't want to seem entitled."

"Shhh, don't worry so much, come here," he vocalized, holding his arms out for you.

Without hesitation, you crawled onto his bed and into his arms, flopping on top of him.

"You're such a goof," he tittered, placing a kiss on your forehead and tightening his grip around your lower back.

"Not as much as you, weirdo," you retorted, sticking your tongue out.

"Hmm, nope," he said, squeezing you tightly.


"Deal. Now, can we please go to sleep?"

"Of course," you chuckled, moving under the covers that your boyfriend had lifted for you.

Tightly secured in his warm embrace, it was almost impossible to stay awake, your eyes slowly closing.

Idk how to end that... sorry ahhh

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