She sat huddled up in the dark
Tears flowing freely across her face
The black engulfed the angry spark
Which the glistening tears seemed to trace
Angry, pained and conflicted
She felt herself battering against the tide
Every wound which the turmoils afflicted
Broke her a little more deep inside.
She gripped it hard; her only drug
The gleaming, lustrous, metal blade
She regarded her arm with a careless shrug
For her, it was just another scar that won't fade.
To counter the infinite inner pain,
The hurting memories and feelings they brew
The murmers behind her back; those looks of disdain,
Physical pain was the only escape she knew
There she was all tired and drained,
As she shut herself in her world,
Of muffled screams and clothes blood stained,
Where multiple emotions together unfurled.
Pulled back from her painfull reverie
Pushing away the thoughts so vile
She scrubbed her face smudge free
And forced on a sparkling smile
So that the rest of the world wouldn't know,
About her thoughts so vile
The gleaming, lustrous, metal blade
And behind that sparkling smile
Were scars that won't fade!!

Poetrybehind the smoke screen of farces and facades coz words of satan or the devil's dream clash of the titans or the fire's realm words...... they say it all!!