"The what now?" Robin asked for conformation as his jaw dropped, hoping that he heard the interrogator wrong.
"You heard me, the judge is sending all of you to a mental asylum." The Interrogator confirmed, adjusting the papers in his hands.
"What the fuck? Who the fuck do you think we are? Lunatics?" Robin asked, a little more threateningly than he'd like to admit.
"Well, judging by your all of your responses," he started, as his fingers flipped through the papers, "You all believe in fantasy worlds and killer demons that obviously don't exist in real life."
"I never said anything about fantasy worlds, motherfucker."
"Well, where were you born?"
"There we go."
"What?" Robin was confused.
"I just proved it. You believe in fantasy worlds."
"I don't believe in fantasy worlds, I just told you that! Can you not get it in that dumbass, balding head of yours?" Robin snapped, causing the Interrogator to throw him an offended expression, as his hands subconsciously went to his head. He then took a deep breath, trying to focus on the task at hand.
"This 'Ylisse' you just mentioned is not a real place on Earth."
"Who the fuck told you Ylisse was on Earth?"
"Where is it then, Freeman? Jupiter?"
"You son of a BITCH!" Robin raged as he tired to stand up and attack the Interrogator, forgetting the fact that he was still handcuffed to the table, causing him to drag it slightly, a loud screech resonating through out the small room, that caused him to flinch. Once he realized he was nearly immobile, he felt sudden pain in both of his wrists, due to him pulling on the restraints way too harshly, causing him to softly groan, "I'm not... mentally ill...."
The Interrogator turned around and left him once again without a word. Robin let out a yell of frustration, before sitting himself down back on his seat. He could literally feel adrenaline rushing through his veins just because he was that pissed.
He growled as he tried to calm himself down, trying to at least temporarily forget this entire mess. Everything was just pissing him off lately, and you can thank Palutena for being one of the biggest causes.
It hasn't even been ten minutes since the Interrogator left, and suddenly, a whole group of men wearing masks- maybe about five or six, came in. Robin raised an eyebrow. He didn't really have any idea why they came in at first, but then it hit him like a truck.
'Do they wanna fucking fight me?'
Even in his restricted position, he still stood up and got into battle stance, ready to knock someone unconscious again if he had to.
Once they got closer, he realized one of them had a needle in his hand, he couldn't tell what substance was inside it, wether it was some type of medicine or drug—
'Drug. Shit. They're gonna drug me."
Knowing Robin, he was not going to let himself be drugged. He hated the thought of others controlling him while he was unconscious or weak.
"Don't even think about bringing that needle anywhere near me!" He demanded, trying to back away as much as he could, even though he knew he couldn't get far.
Two of them grabbed hold of his arms, one holding each, making Robin grit his teeth and started struggling against their strong hold. Trying to use his arms was completely useless, so he tried to wiggle his body to keep moving as much as possible, and reach his head towards one of the men to bite them.
But as hard as he tried, they outnumbered him. They're strength was to much to fight. Another man came behind Robin and wrapped his arms around the tactician's torso, stopping him from moving around so much.
The man holding the needle finally approached, placing one hand on Robin's arm, lightly brushing over the place he was gonna insert the needle. He said something in Japanese to the other men, which Robin didn't quite catch.
That was until the man to his left suddenly slid Robin's denim jacket sleeve off his arm, leaving his smooth skin exposed. Robin guessed that the command was to get rid of his jacket, or something along those lines. Robin muttered in a low tone, "fuck you fuck you fuck you..." over and over again, even though the thought that they couldn't even understand him lingered in his mind.
The man finally pressed the needle in the crook of Robin's elbow, pushing it in unpleasantly fast, causing Robin to hiss from the sharp pain. It only lasted a second though. The men that were holding Robin in place finally released their harsh grip, and Robin took this as an opportunity to attack them.
He tried to kick his leg, but it felt like it was ten times heavier than usual. He panted, giving it another go, but he suddenly didn't have the strength to attack, or even stand for that matter, and within the next few seconds, Robin fell unconscious.
"Hey buddy, are you waking up?"
Robin groaned, trying to blink away the sleepiness. The first thing he saw was Marth's blurry face. He couldn't really make out the details, just simply his wavy, light blue hair slightly covering his eyes.
Robin groaned, trying to sit up properly on God knows what hard surface he was knocked out on, which probably explains why he was feeling so sore. Or that could've been the after effects of the drugs he was given, who knows, maybe both?
As he was sitting up, the area suddenly shook, like a strong earthquake suddenly hit out of nowhere. Robin jolted up, hitting his head against a wall behind him. Marth quickly held him straight, rubbing his fingers on the back of Robin's head, where he just got hit.
"Where are we?" Robin asked, his voice not as strong as he intended it to be. He cleared his throat.
"In a truck." Link responded immediately, causing Robin took look directly in front of him, where Link was seated, "We've been in here for like, what? Almost an hour now?"
Robin sighed, he looked towards Link's left, and to his odd relief, Pit was sitting there, head down looking at his feet, tapping anxiously on the surface, like a kid that got transferred to a new school and couldn't make any new friends.
"What happened to you?" Robin asked the angel.
Pit looked up, opening his mouth, but no words came out. He had no idea what to respond with. His thoughts were just an endless cycle of him blaming himself for not being able to protect Roy like he promised he would.
Marth put his hand out to Pit and nodded, signaling that he doesn't need to say anything. He then turned back to Robin, "Post-traumatic stress disorder. It's like it jumped right from Roy to Pit when Roy died."
Robin closed his eyes and heaved at this information, as Marth continued to catch him up, "And to make things so much better, when they interrogated Pit, of course he gave the same information as us, so, we're all going to a mental hospital." Robin rolled his eyes at the word mental hospital.
"Apparently, Robin, you were the only one who tried to struggle against them, so the drugged you to make it easier to transport you." Marth sighed, "The rest of us knew it was useless, so we didn't waste our breath."