Chapter 9

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Karlie’s POV

It’s 7pm and we just arrived we at Cape Town International Airport. I am so thankful that there’s barely any paparazzi here and we can just enjoy our privacy. I took Taylor’s hand in mine as we got off the private jet. I immediately regret wearing skinny jeans, because there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it was almost hotter than the girl walking next to me.


At least Taylor obviously got the memo that it was gonna be extremely hot and decided to wear a white sundress which showed off her long legs, and her short hair was in natural curls. With the view I was getting, I definitely wasn’t complaining.

But I was complaining about my choice of attire.

“Taylor can we quickly stop at that little shop and see if they’re selling any shorts? It’s really fucking hot,” I whined.

She chuckled and said.

“What’s the magic word?”

I glared at her, and then I put the biggest smile on my face.

“Pleeeeease Taylor babe, can we please go to that shop?”

“Hahaha, of course we can Karlie. I don’t even know why you decided to wear jeans. I told you it was gonna be hot.”

I glared at her again.


She giggled and squeezed my hand.

We walked into the store and thankfully there was a clothing  aisle.

I chose a simple pair of white shorts and went into the small dressing room whilst Taylor waited outside. I tried the shorts on and it fit perfectly. My skin was a little pale, but my shoot won't last for long and I can tan. The skinny jeans I had on were now were folded and I squeezed it into my bag.

I walked outside and saw Taylor at the counter giving some money to the girl behind it. She laughed at something she said and smiled at her. I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest.

Okay Karlie, calm down. It was just a smile.

I walked up to her and took her hand in mine again.

"You ready to go, babe?” I said with gritted teeth

Her make-up free face turned a little red and she smiled. There was also a hint of confusion in her eyes, but ignored it.

“Uhm, y-yeah. I paid for the shorts while you were in the dressing room, because I knew it would fit you perfectly.”

“Great, let’s get going then!”

I decided not to glare back at the girl and just continued walking out the store.

Oh God, what is Taylor doing to me.

“What was that all about?” Taylor asked.

"What was what all about?” I replied innocently.

"It looked like you wanted that girl behind the counter six feet under. Do you know her?”

“No, I don’t. I just don’t want you to be all friendly to some stranger who could probably be an axe-murderer.”

Taylor laughed throwing her head back like a little kid. She looked so cute and I just wanted to kiss her.

“Y-you r-really t-think they would let an axe-murderer w-work at a shop in the a-airport?” She said in between loud laughs.

My face turned red in embarrassment and I turned my head away. Taylor noticed and nudged her shoulder gently at me.

“Awww, Karlie. Sorry for laughing at you. Forgive me?”

I looked over at her again. Her lips were pouted and she had the cutest expression on her face. I couldn’t resist to kiss both her cheeks. I backed up and  her face was as red as a tomato.

“I forgive you Taylor,” I said giggling at her.

She grinned at me.

"Thank goodness. I thought I was gonna get the silent treatment for the rest of the trip!”

We both chuckled and finally got outside to the parking lot.

“This is gonna be the best trip ever!” Taylor yelled.

And I couldn’t agree more.


We were currently in the car on our way to the hotel. Me and Taylor were laughing at something on twitter when I looked outside the window. I almost gasped at the sight in front of me.

"It’s beautiful.” Taylor whispered.  She was practically leaning on me to see outside.


You could see the city lights with Table Mountain in the back ground and it was sunset.

“But not as beautiful as you,” Taylor said just above a whisper.

My eyes widened and I looked over at her. Her face was inches from mine. She looked at my lips and then into my eyes. Damn, I could get lost in those piercing blue eyes forever.

But I can’t kiss her now.

It would ruin my plan.

“Thanks Taylor.”

I backed away. I don’t even know how I did, but I did..


We arrived at The One and Only hotel and checked in. Taylor thanked her driver and we went to our room. The sight we had from our room was even more breath-taking. Taylor already headed to our room and started unpacking. I was not going to let everything be awkward. I ran to the room and Taylor was unpacking both of our bags.

“Hey Taylor, you don’t have to unpack for me!” I said walking over to her.

"I know, but then you don’t have to worry about unpacking.

I gave a her a hug from behind.

“You’re the best Taylor.”

“I know.”

I chuckled at her and knew that we were back to normal.

But not for long…




I enjoyed writing this chapter so much. I hope you liked it! Honestly, I like writing in Karlie's POV more. Next chapter would probably be up tomorrow!!

What do you guys think Karlie planned for Taylor?

Pun: Why do teenage girls hang out in odd numbers?

(this pun is my favourite)

Because the can't even

Oh, and if  you have any questions, just ask meeeee!!

Oh, and I suggest you go google "Table Mountain at sunset" and see the beautiful place and city where I live! (I tried to attach a photo but it doesn't want to and idek why)

Much love

L.* xxx

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