Triggering warning
Life gives you enough of scars. You don't need to manufacture your own.
I sat there watching the blood drop. Everything they said was true. My life is worthless. If I was gone no one would miss me. I didn't wanna live anymore.
I grabbed the blade and dug it in my waist. As I finished I heard the door open from downstairs
I hurried and got naked and jumped in the shower. Trying to rub the dry blood off.
You answered "Andy?"
"hey....can I join?" He began taking off his shirt.
"Andy I feel alittle sick I just wanna enjoy my shower." You tried to cover yourself with the curtain. If Andy found out...god only knows what he'll do.
"are you ok baby girl"
"O-of course... Now please just do you're letting the heat out" you demanded
"....(y/n)....come out of the shower..." You peeked your head out of the shower and there it was the bloody blade on the floor.
Tears started flooding out. You sat in the tub crying. A few seconds later Andy turned off the water and got in the tub with you.
"Andy...I-im sorry"
"why?" He asked as you stared at the newly fresh wounds.
"I...just wanna give up..." You said with your nose running and tears falling on andys leather jacket.
"'re not giving up...I need you're my everything...." He wiped tears off of your face and grabbed a towel. "I'll be your reason why you can't give up." He gently kissed your head and you guys made it into your room.
He wrapped your scars up and grabbed his favorite Batman shirt out.
"Andy I love you"
"I love you get dressed we got a date...after I change"
"you're changing?"
"yea because the underwear is sticking to my butt"
You let out a small giggle and Andy carried you to the living room for an all day movie date.