Fields Of Roses

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Warning: This book is copywrited.

I headed off walking in the direction of which I thought was North but I really wasn't sure as right now I didn't even know which year I was in, not even mentioning where I was

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I headed off walking in the direction of which I thought was North but I really wasn't sure as right now I didn't even know which year I was in, not even mentioning where I was.

The team had kept it a secret about what year it was and where I was heading as they wanted my reaction of the future to be 100% genuine and apparently if I knew anything about it then my mission might fail. Oh of course... I forgot to mention what my mission was to you so how would you know? My mission is to be the first successful subject to travel the time box to the future or past and gather information about what will happen in the future and figure out how to stop it if it is bad. Obviously we have to be careful on this mission due to the butterfly effect which could cause major damage if triggered but part of the reason why I was sent was because I am unlikely to embarrass my time period as I am quite ghost-like usually-meaning that I go unnoticed a lot of the time.

I was actually very annoyed at the team for not telling me anything about where I was going or what year I was going too as right now the only thing I know is that I need shelter. I mean the future could be crazy! What if I walk to somewhere and there's millions of robots instead of people or a zombie apocalypse! I don't know... maybe I'm just overthinking things and being silly, nothing will have probably changed. Maybe more advanced iPhones? Greener electricity? I'm not sure...

The sky was a cloudy, greyish, blue colour now and the air had gradually got colder. The grass was still littered with roses of red, white and pink and I could just about see an outline of a mountain up ahead.

As the night continued, it grew darker and darker until the faint outline of the mountains was far from view. I saw the moon shining through the dark clouds but was puzzled why it was so small. I guessed that due to the moon slowly drifting away from the gravitational pull of the Earth over time, that meant that the tiny moon I was seeing now had taken a couple hundred of years to pull away, implying that I must be far forward in time-making my silly idea of robots ruling the world sounding more and more true by the second. Fantastic.

I mean, what would you even say to a robot? If you talked to it or offended it, it could potentially kill you right then and there... and that idea was terrifying. But worse, how would you even be able to tell that the 'person' you were talking to was actually real or not if robots looked identical to humans?! Nope, nope. I'm going to stop with the scary thinking right now. There's no point scaring yourself if you can't go back home until you have spent a year here in the future-no matter how scary the future is...

It was so cold now... colder than I thought nights could be even though the day had been very hot. I still felt sick even after the long session of vomiting that I had had earlier today and the throbbing in my head wouldn't stop. There was barely any light filling my vision now as the clouds had blocked the tiny figure of the moon and the only things I could feel were shape of the roses under my trainers and the damp touch of the mist that had now rolled in from the far away mountains.

I had been walking for what felt like hours now and my eyes were growing very tired. I stopped for a minute and regained my strength whilst I looked over at my wrist for my watch to check the time. I could hardly see anything but from what I caught, my watch had stopped working due to the change in dimension so now even my watch didn't work. I was quite disappointed that it had broken just because I would have liked to know the time and because it was quite expensive and I thought that because I was travelling to the future they might want something from the past and so I could exchange it for money... and I liked that idea very much.

I pulled my blue jean jacket around me more tightly and pulled my black t-shirt, that I was wearing under my jacket, down a bit more as to hopefully keep me from dying of hypothermia. After I had finished tying my dark brown hair back into a low ponytail (so the gentle breeze wouldn't mess it up) I continued my long journey.

After what felt like a few more hours I was still very far away from the mountain and desperately needed to rest. As I had found no shelter and was freezing cold now, I just had to hope that I wouldn't die in the night. I sat down gently and curled myself up into a ball, hugging my knees for warmth and tucking my head into my chest.

As I was trying to drift off, my brain started to wander. I really hoped that there weren't any new species of bug or plant that could kill me around here as I was quite vulnerable at the minute and I despised the idea of bugs being the end of me. I would rather be killed by zombies than a plague of bugs as I had a massive fear of the things. I tried to push that thought out of my head in order to gain some sleep but instead my mind went down another route. It started thinking about how lonely I was right then and there and how I had no one to talk to and might not have anyone for the next year.

That thought was the scariest thought of all... I don't know how I could survive being alone for an entire year with no one to talk to or ask for help... I might end up coming back home to current day Earth with major insanity from being deserted for that amount of time... I was used to being alone-as I had been on Earth, I didn't know my parents and I ran away from my adoptive family for personal reasons I would not like to discuss but I had never been alone for more than a few months...

I had never been an extroverted type of person, I was always very shy and quiet- I didn't like to talk much to other people and didn't have many friends... life had been really tough for me, growing up without a loving family or friends. And it was hard to know who to trust when everyone was fake, so I usually never trusted anyone and therefore never built strong relationships. But then again is that really a bad thing as I won't ever have to be hurt that way. I don't know...

Slowly my brain started to drift off into sleep and my mind became foggy, just like the mist that had gathered around me whilst I lay there-in the field of roses.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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