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This is what his minecraft character looks like))
I woke up after editing all night on my new video after eating I went into my gaming room and and started to play minecraft and texted Subs ,Fear,and muffin to join the sever  once they did I started my discord and stream "Ok guys today we are seeing who can get to the nether first " I said as my stream started yelling yes and omg yas I laughed Subs and the others  started talking about how they can beat my I ran and started gather items lucky for me there was a cave with diamonds as I already had a iron pickaxe I craft a diamond sword and started looking for Subs because she's the easiest "Subs~" I say as I see her character  she turns around and sees me and starts running " Get over her Subby!!!" I yelled "No leave me alone Razzy!!" She yells as I killed "ooo~ thanks for the obsidian Subs" I say as I look for Fear I found him and Muffin over  crafting a pickaxe I killed muffin first and of course she had the food I started hitting Fear but he ran"Get over!!!" I yelled as he yelled"no if you love let me goooo~!" I killed him and said " I do love but your my friend it's ok to kill some friends " " of course you would give that advice" Fear said as I started making that portal with obsidian and flint n steel I laughed as I finished making the portal and walked in and yelled "YES!" My girlish voice came out as I landed in the nether but I saw something I though I never see

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