The day starts off with Akira walking into school but he changed he was didfernet he was taller wore all black and gray clothes he was hot the girls crowded around him giving him food before the next practice race that's leading up to the big race,As they all leaned over ready to run Akira run and he was faster than ever before "this body what's going on are my arms flying threw the wind?!" Akira was confused but at the same time he loved his new body!
At the end of the day as they were walking home Akira said "I'm still getting used to this new body of mine I'm still hungry." His friend miki replied "your saying that likes it's not your own body,you aren't doing illegal drugs are you?" "No I don't know what happe-AH" Akira falls to the floor as his body starts shaking and electricity shooting out him "AKIRA!" Miki shouted as she brought out her phone to call Ryo *phone rings* "hello Ryo Asuka here" "RYO ITS AKIRA HE FAINTED AND SOME ELECTRICITY WAS SHOOTING OUT OF HIM!!" Miki shouted crying "I'll be there as soon as I can take him to the river I make it as soon as I can!" Ryo ran to his car as fast as he could "AKIRA IM COMING!!"

Devilman re-birth
ActionThis is the new beginning and my adaptation of what could have been a second season (not really for kids due to devil mans explicit nature)