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Annabelle DarkAge:16Quirk: ElementalExplanation: She can use all the elements

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Annabelle Dark
Quirk: Elemental
Explanation: She can use all the elements.She can manipulate water and it can come out of nowhere, she can summon fire out of thin air, she can touch the ground or any plants and they'll always do what she says.If she has a seed it can grow in an instant without needing soil or time.And with air she can levitat and she can on make storm clouds.
Drawbacks: Could get dehydrated if used to much.
Personality: Kind to her friends, cold, mean, outgoing and protective over Izuku.
Nicknames:Ann, Belle.
Likes: Music, parkour, spray paint, partying, Matt, skating, junk food, smoking,drinking, breaking rules, singing.
Dislikes: Class 1A, bullies, haters, rats, police officers and people hurting or making fun of her friends.
Dating/crush:Dating Matthew.

Matthew Midoriya(Izu's stepbrother)Age:16Quirk:WolfExplanation: He can turn into a wolf at will, has the senses of a wolf and can transform into a half wolf half human like human only with hightend senses and wolf ears and tail

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Matthew Midoriya(Izu's stepbrother)
Explanation: He can turn into a wolf at will, has the senses of a wolf and can transform into a half wolf half human like human only with hightend senses and wolf ears and tail.
Drawbacks: Could get slight headaches.
Personality: Mean, cold, nice but only to friend, lazy and protective over Izuku.
Nicknames: Matt.
Likes: His friends, cake, soda, drinking, spray paint, smoking, Ann, parkour, partying, breaking rules, skating and singing.
Dislikes:Class 1A, bullies, haters, police officers and people hurting or making fun of his friends.
Dating/Crush: Dating Annabelle

Mina HellerAge:15 1/2Quirk: AngelExplanation: Has white wings, a golden halo, healing powers, can shoot white light out of her hands and make a white and gold sword appear

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Mina Heller
Age:15 1/2
Quirk: Angel
Explanation: Has white wings, a golden halo, healing powers, can shoot white light out of her hands and make a white and gold sword appear.
Drawbacks: Lack of sleep.
Personality: Cold, dark, mean, nice to her friends, bit gothic and protective over Izuku.
Nicknames: Mina, Hel, Helly
Likes: Animals, spray paint, her friends, smoking, drinking, skating, parkour, partying, breaking rules, milkshakes and singing.
Dislikes:Class 1A, bullies, haters, police officers and people hurting or making fun of her friends.
Sexuality: Straight
Dating/Crush: No one

Jason Christopher Age: 16Quirk: weapon makerExplanation: He can form any kind of weapon at will

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Jason Christopher
Age: 16
Quirk: weapon maker
Explanation: He can form any kind of weapon at will.
Drawbacks: If more than 7 weapons are created and used for over 5 hours, he can pass out for a few minutes.
Personality: Super Lazy, dumb at times but actually really smart,  mean, cold, nice to his friends, protective of Izuku.
Nicknames: Jace
Likes: Fries, spray paint, drinking a LOT, smoking, skating, parkour, Animals, his friends, drinking, partying, breaking rules, milkshakes and singing.
Dislikes:Class 1A, bullies, haters, police officers and people hurting or making fun of his friends.
Sexuality: Straight.
Dating/Crush: No One

Damien DawnAge:16 1/2Quirk: NightmareExplanation: User can trap opponent in their worst nightmare, until user lets go

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Damien Dawn
Age:16 1/2
Quirk: Nightmare
Explanation: User can trap opponent in their worst nightmare, until user lets go. The user has to hold eye contact to trap opponent.If the user does no let go, opponent may get serious injuries or certain death.
Personality: cold, mean, nice to friends, lazy, sometimes super tired, cruel, cute and SUPER protective ove Izuku.
Nicknames: Damie/Damy
Likes: Izuku, animals, spray paint, his friends, smoking, drinking, skating, parkour, partying, breaking rules, milkshakes and singing.
Dislikes:Class 1A, bullies, haters, police officers and people hurting or making fun of his friends.
Dating/Crush: Izuku soon dating

Izuku MidoriyaAge:16Quirks: DemonExplanation: User has big black wings, a tail and horns

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Izuku Midoriya
Quirks: Demon
Explanation: User has big black wings, a tail and horns. User can shoot darkness out of their hands and can create a black and green katana.
Drawbacks: None
Vampire cat: Is basically a neko but he feeds on blood. He never drank human blood before only animals like fish.He usually transforms into a neko when he needs blood or is happy or extremely happy.
Drawbacks: Sleeps after he drinks blood.
Broken halo: He basically has one white wing with a few black feathers and a black wing with a few white feathers. He ha a half gold half black broken halo floating above his head. White wing can heal and black wing can form a claw like feature which causes opponent extreme pain if the opponent gets scratched.
Drawback: Headaches

Personality: Kind to friends, cold, dark, mean, happy, cute and is very over protective over his friends.
Nicknames: Izu, Zuku, Zuki, Zuzu.
Likes: Damien, animals, spray paint, his friends, smoking, drinking, skating, parkour, partying, breaking rules, chocolate and singing.
Dislikes:Class 1A, bullies, haters, police officers and people hurting or making fun of his friends.
Dating/Crush: Damien soon dating.

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