Chapter Fifteen:

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Hadley's POV

My eyes were still frozen on Tate as I took him in. My mate. Tate was my mate. My wolf was dying to be set free, and pushing me towards him. I had completely forgotten about Devin and Scott. Or the fact that West was right behind me.

Tate made his way towards me. He reached out as though he was going to touch me. He pulled back finally taking his eyes off of me and looking at the others.

"I need to talk to Hadley. Go keep Darren and Braxton occupied please," Tate said to the others.

Scott who barely showed emotion had a small amount of surprise on his face as he glanced between the two of us. Devin winked at me with a small smile curling at her lips as Scott dragged her with him. West moved in front of me giving me a small sad smile as they all headed inside.

Tate started walking back into the woods. I followed him till he stopped. "Tate.. I.."

Tate grabbed me and pushed my back into the large tree. His hands gripped my face as our mouths met. His kiss was frantic. The electric spark that traveled between us sent ripples through my whole body. His mouth was like a drug to me. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

We finally pulled apart. A large smile was on his face. "I have been wanting to do that for so long,".

His smile made him even more handsome and put a smile on my face. His brown eyes glimmered. I couldn't help the immediate draw I felt towards him. How could I have not felt this before. Tate had always been extremely attractive but this was a whole other level. I stepped back away from Tate.

"Did you know?" I asked. Tate was quiet. "How long have you known?" I searched his face. A small part of me already knew what his answer would be..

"Since I saw you that first day in the woods when you were running," He said, avoiding my eyes. Running a hand through his perfect wavy brown hair. I forced myself to focus.

"You've known for months. Months, and you didn't think to say anything to me?" I was hurt by his actions.

"I wanted to tell you right away but there were so many factors. You were with someone else. You were mortal. You had a normal happy life. I couldn't take that from you. Then when I do finally get you you're being attacked by rogues. I wanted to tell you Hadley. Every moment I was with you. It has been physically painful to be near you and not with you," Tate said, taking a step towards me and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Even when you were with him I couldn't stay away. I had to meet you at least once," He continued.

"When you bumped into me on my way to the store," I said, remembering that day.

"Yes," He said holding my face. We stood there for a moment in silence. "Tell me what you're thinking," he asked.

"I don't know what to think. I'm so mad that you knew and didn't think I deserved to know. It wasn't your place to make a choice for me. You should have told me. You don't get to just make these kinds of decisions when it affects us both this way. What if I never knew," My voice became small and sad.

"Had. I am so sorry. You're right. I should have told you. You had a right to know it's as much of your choice as mine. I would have made my way to you somehow," He said softly.

"Who else knows?" I asked.

"Just West. Some other pack members may have some ideas but just West," Tate said.

"West knew?" I rubbed at my temples. He had known this whole time.

"I want to tell you everything. Explain it all but we don't have that much time right now," Tate said.

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"It's just a lot. This is a lot. I feel like I'm going crazy. My wolf is being so weird," I said.

"When mates first meet it's when the pull is the strongest. Our wolves want to.. Claim each other," Tate said carefully waiting to see my reaction.

"Oh," The blush was fully on my cheeks.

"You're too cute when you blush like that it's completely unfair," Tate laughed. "Hadley I want to be with you more than anything and I want you to be my full mate but there is so much going on right now we are going to have to wait. If you do choose to accept me as your mate," he said, becoming more serious.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Being mated to me is one of the most dangerous things for you right now. If anything were to happen to you I couldn't live myself. That's why Darren and Braxton are here. They don't know. For now we have to act as normal as possible around each other..." He paused before continuing. "You also have the choice to reject me as your mate if you don't want this. If you don't want me,".

"I don't want to be your secret forever Tate," I said.

"I don't want that either Hadley at all. Just hear what Darren has to say and we can talk more later alone. Whatever you need. I will tell you it all," he said.

"Ok. Let's head back," I said. I was upset, everything was so complicated.

"One more thing," Next thing I knew I was wrapped in Tate's arms and he was kissing me again. This time it was slower. He pulled away slowly. "I'm glad you're my mate Hadley and I hope you'll take me as yours. When the time is right if you'll let me I'm going to shout it so loud that the stars get annoyed,". My heart warmed at his words. "It is going to be very hard to keep my hands off of you," He winked.


We made our way to the large sitting room. Devin was trying so hard not to look at me as she fidgeted with the ring on her finger. Scott was talking to Braxton about training. Then there was West. He looked like a sad puppy sitting in the chair silent, deep in thought. I still hadn't totally sorted out what I felt for him if it was anything more than friendship. But it still pained me to see him hurting and knowing I was the cause.

Darren stood up from his chair as Tate and I entered the room. "You must be Hadley," He said his eyes were scanning every inch of me.

"I am," I said cautiously, taking a seat. "You must be Alpha Darren and Beta Braxton," I said. Devin had described them perfectly. Darren sat back down, his face seemed extremely tense and serious. It was so different from the relaxed face Tate wore. My heart fluttered thinking of him.

"Christopher was telling the truth," Braxton said as his eyes also scanned me. I looked around the room and everyone was watching me.

"What?" I asked.

Tate turned to me and slowly started speaking "When I went and visited Blood Bane I found out that they had captured Christopher. The former beta of our pack and Devin and West's father,".

"That much I know," I said slowly. Darren was staring directly at me, his grey eyes practically scanning at my soul.

"Christopher had information on why the rogues have been after you," Tate continued.

"Why does he want me? I was just a mortal when they attacked us," My mind flashed back to that night. To the blood. To Cam on the floor.

"The rogues have been working with Alpha Nolan of Fenris Moon Pack. The asshole wants to expand his territory and plans to take over Blood Bane and maybe Atlas through you," West said, his fists clenching and unclenching.

"I don't understand how I could help him takeover," I asked, looking between them all.

"Because of who you are and what you mean to our packs" Darren said. Finally speaking. "Your father was Alpha Warren. My father. That makes you my half sister. You have an equal claim to the pack as much as I do,".
"What. That's not..." Then I looked at Darren. Really looked at him and I could see it. The small resemblances we shared physically.

"West told me your eyes glow silver when you shift. That is a trait that only comes from our bloodline. The alpha of Blood Bane bloodline," Darren said.

"Even if I am who you think I am, how does that help Nolan? I would never try to take over either of your packs," I said. My mind was trying to sort through everything. I felt completely overwhelmed.

"Nolan would force you to be his mate. He would put the claim on you and then you wouldn't have a choice. It's completely barbaric but it has been done in the past," West said. He was out of his chair and moved closer to me. Tate watched him.

"We won't let that happen though," Tate said.

"I want to bring you back to Blood Bane with me. It's your pack too and we can keep you safe. Nolan knows you're related to me but if he sees that you are a member of this pack he may use it against Tate to try and claim this territory for himself as well" Darren said.

"You want her to leave," Devin said, snapping her head up glaring at Darren.

"She's my family. I can keep her safe. Blood Bane is her birthright," Darren said.

"I need time to decide. I can't do this right now," I said, glancing between them all. My inner wolf was tugging on the chain and I was having a harder time keeping her in as I began to fidget. Everyone was watching me.

I stood up quick and walked out of the room fast. I overheard West telling Tate to give me some time, but I didn't dare look back. As soon as I got out of the house I began to run into the woods as hard as I could. My lungs were burning. A few miles in I decided to shift and let my wolf run free.

I made my way back to the spot on the cliff where I shifted back and sat under the moonlight. I crouched into a ball and when I was sure no one had followed me and no one was around I cried. I cried hard and allowed myself to feel it all in that moment. The loss of Cam. My father. The half brother I now had. Nolan wanted to take me, forcing a claim on me. West's feelings. My mate. Hale's attack. How I killed him. Each thought hit me harder and harder. Everything I had pushed down came back up.

I don't know how long I cried for. How long I sat there staring out into the night sky. Sorting through everything. I shifted back into my wolf and made my way back to my room. I climbed into bed and laid there staring at my ceiling.

The knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the clock and it was past two am. I pulled myself out of bed and opened the door.


"What do you want West".

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