Sixty Six

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Songs for this chapter:

Bye-bye Darling - BØRNS

Madison's POV

"You don't have to come Mads. I can take a cab." Jason said.

I shook my head and put on my shoes.

He sighed and said "Fine. Let's go."

He turned on his heels and walked towards the elevator. I ran to catch up to him, and held onto his arm as I made it inside the elevator.

"It's a long drive, you know?" He said once we reached the parking lot.

"I know." I said as I got into the car. I wanted to spend every minute left he had as a free man next to him. The longer the car ride the better.

He pulled out of the building and soon we were on the driveway, on our way to the prison.

I glued my eyes to the road as I felt a sudden wave of realization wash over me.

This is it.

It's over now.

I heard him let out a breath and then he placed his hand over mine. He interlocked our fingers and brought our hands to his lap.

"Thank you for coming." He said.

I looked over at him and nodded.

He brought my hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it.

Jason's POV

2 hours passed and we finally made it to the hell I'll be spending my remaining time in.

I turn to look at Madison, who was focused on the ugliest sight in front of us.

She shouldn't had came.

I looked at the time and it was 6:30, which meant that I had thirty minutes left before I had to be admitted into this fucking prison. Otherwise, it'll count as if I attempted to run away and they'll send police after me.


She didn't look at me. I know she's upset.

"I'm completely yours for the next twenty minutes, then I have to go." I said as I placed my hand on her thigh.

She purses her lips and placed her hand over mine.

She took in a deep breath and looked at me.

She leaned in to my face and pressed her lips against mine. I took a moment to appreciate the way her lips felt against mine, before finally kissing her back.

We pulled away from the short, yet passionate, kiss and she rested her head on my shoulder as she held onto my head.

"I should get going Mads." I said as I gently rubbed her hand with my thumb.

"You should go home, you don't have to come in with me." I said. She immediately shook her head and got off me.

"I'm going with you." She said.

I clenched my jaw as I stared at her. "Mads..."

"Jay, I'm going." She said.

I didn't fight her. I just turned off the car and got out.

I went to her side and opened the door for her. She got out and I closed the door. She grabbed my hand and we walked towards the federal building.

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We made it inside the empty room and I walked towards the desk which had a lady behind the glass.

"How can I help you?" She asked rudely in a flat tone.

"I'm here to self surrender." I spoke.

"Name?" She asked as she looked down at some pages that sat on her desk.

"Jason McCann."

She widened her eyes and looked up at me in shock.
I stared back at her and waited for her to fucking do something before I lose my fucking nerves.

She moved further from the glass and reached for the telephone.

"I need security... Jason McCann is self surrendering..."

I took in a deep breath and reached for Madison's hands.

"Baby, you okay?" She asked as she reached for my face.

"If they want me to fucking self surrender they shouldn't make it so fucking complicated." I said through my teeth.

She softly placed a kiss on my cheek and wrapped her arms around me, meanwhile I glared at the same bitch behind the glass.

"Jay look at me." Madison spoke.

I focused on her sweet voice and looked down to meet her beautiful green eyes.

She gave me a smile, trying to comfort me, but looking into her eyes I could see the pain she was in, and it only made me feel worse.

I sighed and held her tight.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too jay. I'll always will." She said.

"Jason McCann?" I heard a man's voice, making me look away from Madison.

I pulled away from her as the man who just spoke walked in with two other officers behind him, and another two man who looked obviously stronger than the others.

"Step away from the girl and put your hands behind your back." He instructed me.

"No." Madison cried as she wrapped her arms around me again.

This is why I didn't want her to come. I knew this would happen.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to step away, or we will be forced to remove you-"

I shot a glare to the officer threatening Madison and tried to bite my tongue before I said something that'll get me in trouble.

I gave Madison a squeeze and kissed the top of her head

"I love you Madison." I whispered into her ear, "but I have to go now, love."

She shook her head.

"Ma'am-" "Just give her a break!" I snapped.

The officer took in a deep breath and said "You have five minutes."

I switched my attention to Madison and tried to calm her down.

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