CH 19. The Do Over Day

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~Elodie's POV~

"Harry, wake up," I whispered.

"Dad, I saw dad," Harry said, finally coming too. I knew it. I hadn't been crazy; he was actually here with us.

I looked at Hermione eyeing her. "See I told you I saw him there. He sent the Dementors away," I told her. She had been trying to convince me it wasn't real, but I knew what I had seen was true.

"You saw it too? Across the lake?" Harry asked me, gripping onto my arm.

"Listen. They've captured Sirius. Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss. They're going to suck out his soul." Hermione said.

The double doors swung open, and Dumbledore emerged through them. Always with such elegance and grace.

"Headmaster! You've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!" I said to him.

"It's true sir. Sirius is innocent," Harry told him pleading our case.

"It's Scabbers who did it!" Ron said from his bed where he rested. He had a torn ligament in his ankle which Madam Pomfrey had wrapped and elevated to help heal but there was only so much she could do.

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore questioned.

"My rat, sir. Only he's not really a rat. Well, he was a rat. You see, he used to be my brother Percy's –" Ron said beginning his rant.

"The point is... we know the truth.," Hermione said. "Please, believe us."

"I do miss Granger. But I'm sorry to say the words of three thirteen-year-old wizards and one fifteen-year-old witch will convince few others," Dumbledore said. He walked over to Ron's bed and began patting his leg causing Ron to release silent whimpers. "A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen."

The clock tower began to Ding. The hour had struck. And it made the entirety of the room to shake. I had a thought, but it couldn't be possible...could it? I drove the thought out of my mind and began running through any other idea that could provide aid in our current situation. All fell short, and I kept coming back to the original.

"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And, when meddled with...dangerous," Dumbledore said as he began making his way out of the infirmary. "Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower."

So, it was possible.

"The two of you know the laws. You must not be seen. And you would, I feel, do well to return before this last chime. If not...well, the consequences are really too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed, more than one innocent life may be spared tonight," Dumbledore said to Hermione and me.

We shared a glance. We knew what we would have to do but how to do it now was the question. Where would we need to begin?

"Three turns should do it, I think," Dumbledore said before he turned and left. And they say I'm the one that's omniscient. "Oh! By the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck." And with that we were alone again.

Hermione and I turned to one another and nodded briefly. We'd both done this before, but not together. But if ever there was a time, I suppose now would be the best.

"What in bloody hell was all that about?" Ron called from his corner of the room.

"Sorry Ron. But seeing as you can't walk..." I said and reached underneath my jumper. "I got him," I said, gesturing to Harry.

I wrapped the chain of my time turner around Harry's neck and brought it up to eye level. Harry tried to touch it, but I simply slapped his hand away. Three turns. I looked at Hermione before releasing the last. With a subtle nod, we were off.

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