CH 19. The Do Over Day

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~Elodie's POV~

"Harry, wake up," I whispered.

"Dad, I saw dad," Harry said, finally coming too. I knew it. I hadn't been crazy; he was actually here with us.

I looked at Hermione eyeing her. "See I told you I saw him there. He sent the Dementors away," I told her. She had been trying to convince me it wasn't real, but I knew what I had seen was true.

"You saw it too? Across the lake?" Harry asked me, gripping onto my arm.

"Listen. They've captured Sirius. Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss. They're going to suck out his soul." Hermione said.

The double doors swung open, and Dumbledore emerged through them. Always with such elegance and grace.

"Headmaster! You've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!" I said to him.

"It's true sir. Sirius is innocent," Harry told him pleading our case.

"It's Scabbers who did it!" Ron said from his bed where he rested. He had a torn ligament in his ankle which Madam Pomfrey had wrapped and elevated to help heal but there was only so much she could do.

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore questioned.

"My rat, sir. Only he's not really a rat. Well, he was a rat. You see, he used to be my brother Percy's –" Ron said beginning his rant.

"The point is... we know the truth.," Hermione said. "Please, believe us."

"I do miss Granger. But I'm sorry to say the words of three thirteen-year-old wizards and one fifteen-year-old witch will convince few others," Dumbledore said. He walked over to Ron's bed and began patting his leg causing Ron to release silent whimpers. "A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen."

The clock tower began to Ding. The hour had struck. And it made the entirety of the room to shake. I had a thought, but it couldn't be possible...could it? I drove the thought out of my mind and began running through any other idea that could provide aid in our current situation. All fell short, and I kept coming back to the original.

"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And, when meddled with...dangerous," Dumbledore said as he began making his way out of the infirmary. "Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower."

So, it was possible.

"The two of you know the laws. You must not be seen. And you would, I feel, do well to return before this last chime. If not...well, the consequences are really too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed, more than one innocent life may be spared tonight," Dumbledore said to Hermione and me.

We shared a glance. We knew what we would have to do but how to do it now was the question. Where would we need to begin?

"Three turns should do it, I think," Dumbledore said before he turned and left. And they say I'm the one that's omniscient. "Oh! By the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck." And with that we were alone again.

Hermione and I turned to one another and nodded briefly. We'd both done this before, but not together. But if ever there was a time, I suppose now would be the best.

"What in bloody hell was all that about?" Ron called from his corner of the room.

"Sorry Ron. But seeing as you can't walk..." I said and reached underneath my jumper. "I got him," I said, gesturing to Harry.

I wrapped the chain of my time turner around Harry's neck and brought it up to eye level. Harry tried to touch it, but I simply slapped his hand away. Three turns. I looked at Hermione before releasing the last. With a subtle nod, we were off.

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Watching the hours and actions that had previously taken place before we were here reverse left Harry is a daze. Watching the darkness that had begun to set, un-set. Though we now had more time on our hands, there was none to spare. I watched Hermione to be sure I didn't lose her, but we were right here together the entire time. Perhaps we should have done this all along. Ad then another thought entered my mind, but that would have to be for another time.

The room stopped moving. It was now empty except for the three of us. And the ticking began. I removed my necklace from Harry's neck and tucked it back into my jumper. Harry shifted his eyes between Hermione and me as we simply nodded at each other once more.

"What just happened? Where's Ron?" Harry asked, confused.

"Seven-thirty. Where were we at seven-thirty?" Hermione asked.

"I think that's when we were going to Hagrid's," I told her.

"Come on, and we can't be seen," she said to Harry.

We ran through the empty corridor, down the clock tower and past the courtyard. The only bystanders were a murder of crows circling the fountain. It's as if this was planned all along, it had never been this empty before.

"Will the two of you please tell me what it is we're doing?!" Harry asked as Hermione and I came to a halt.

There we were. We had caught up to our former selves. There we were in the middle of the confrontation between us and Draco with his minions. Tucked behind the archway we watched waiting for a clear path.

"But...that's us," Harry said in disbelief. "This is not... normal," Harry said as he moved a bit too far in the open.

Hermione pulled Harry back and pinned him to the wall to remain hidden. I stepped in front of him to give a quick explanation, the only one we would have time for.

"This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave them to us at the beginning of the first term. This is how we've been getting to all of our lessons all year," I explained to him. Hermione turned back to keep watch.

"You mean, we've gone back in time?" Harry asked dumbfounded.

"Yes," I told him.

"Now he's got it," Hermione said.

"Dumbledore must have wanted us to return to this moment," I said as I turned away from him and moved close to Hermione.

"Clearly something happened, he wants us to change," Hermione told us. "Malfoy's coming!" We moved back and through a hold of broken brick waiting once again for the coast to clear.

"Look. Buckbeak's still alive," Harry said in excitement. Perhaps that's why Dumbledore wanted us to go back so far.

"Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said, if we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared," Hermione pointed out.

We waited a moment longer, until we saw our old selves move into Hagrid's shack. That was our que to head down. We made our way to hide behind the pumpkin patch, just in time as Fudge and the executioner began heading down with Dumbledore.

"We better hurry," Harry said.

"No," I whispered at him.

"Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free," Hermione explained to him.

We watched the events of the previous hours replay. Harry leaning by the open window, me, sipping my tea at the table. Hagrid, handing Pettigrew over to Ron. And the rage built inside of me, wanting to throw an attack at him.

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